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"Be careful he bites," the scientist said while preparing his tools. The assistant nodded and approached the chained boy who seemed to be still passed out under the drug.

"He seems stable," she said, checking his eyes and mouth.

"good, now hold it open, i got to take a sample" the scientist walked over with a small wooden stick. The assistant used his fingers to keep Jungkook's mouth open. But just when the scientist was about to take the sample his jaw suddenly chomped down, biting into the assistant's fingers.

"aaaahhhh! Fuuuck!" he screamed trying to pull his fingers out from between the teeth. But it was no use, he screamed in pain and felt his fingers being crushed and bitten off. He fell down looking at his hands in shock, his two fingers were gone.... He really bit them off. Out of shock he passed out.

"I said be careful for a reason," the scientist muttered, lowering himself to look at Jungkook's face. Blood rolling down his chin from biting the man just now.

"Try again and I will bite you too," Jungkook hissed at him.

"You don't frighten me, I made you. I know how to handle you" he chuckled and patted Jungkook's head. He quickly pulled his hand back when Jungkook's eyes darkened and the light started to flicker. "guards, put him down, now!" he quickly went out of the room, just in time when the room went dark. Six guards went inside, but only two came back out.

"he's down sir. Shall we bring him back to his cell?" the survived guard asked.

"Yes, I will accompany you. I still need to get my sample" the scientist entered the experimentation room and sighed seeing the mess..... The bloody mess. Blood splattered everywhere, the ground was more blood than tiles by now. The guard's dead bodies scattered around. From pinned to the wall to ripped in half. It was a sight that would make someone puke.

"When I finish with him he will be perfect," the scientist smiled. He crouched down next to Jungkook's unmoving body touching his eyelid to check his eyes. "you're my big secret. My key to power"

"you do realize he is not listening to you right. Look at this mess.." the other guard said carefully so he won't piss off the scientist.

"I do, but don't worry. '' The scientist stood up and watched how they chained up Jungkook and dragged him out of the room. "i will break him, and he will listen."

With a gasp Jungkook shot straight up panting in panic. He was losing his mind, he had to do something. "no no..... No more" Jungkook held his head and pulled his legs up making himself a ball. He could feel the mutation grow inside of him. He could feel everything again, everything he had to endure back there.

You're my monster, you'll kill for me

An unstoppable mutant

The creature people will fear

"i-im not a monster....." Jungkook shouted into his blanket and gripped his hair.

"Kook, I'm here. I'm here, relax!" Taehyung's voice was heard in the distance. But Jungkook couldn't get in control. Instead of accepting the help like he wanted to, he shot off the couch and glared at Taehyung. Parts of his body were transformed already.


Taehyung yelped in surprise when Jungkook jumped at him. He jumped aside and took steps back. "i-its me"

Jungkook hit his head a few times and a muffled scream left his slightly parted lips."It hurts!"

"let me hold you-"

"don't come closer! I don't want to hurt you" jungkook said pushing Taehyung back as gently as he could. He stepped back letting himself sink down in the corner, holding his mutated and painful arm. The grown eyes on the walls were staring at him intensely.

"Jungkook, let me.... You trust me right?"

Jungkook didn't reply. It took him all his strength to not lash out again. He really did his best, but seeing taehyung get so dangerously close he couldn't hold it. His eyes widened in shock when a black three fingered claw rose from the floor and its nails slashed the older's arm. "ow!"

Jungkook put his arm forward telling taehyung to go away. But he just wouldn't listen. Taehyung went against all of it and flung himself against Jungkook, holding him tightly. Taehyung could feel arms grabbing his legs and clothes trying to pull them off the raven, but he wasn't going to let go.

Not until he felt two arms hug him back and soft sniffles.

"im sorry.....Im sorry....Im sorry" jungkook said. "i-i'm hopeless..... I'm too far gone, y-you're wasting your time..." everytime Jungkook felt his confidence grow back together he would get something like this and he would be back to zero...

"shut up" is all taehyung said. Even if Jungkook didn't agree, he didn't say another word and just let himself be held warmly until he was back to normal.


After a while Jungkook had fallen asleep, Taehyung had moved him to the couch and sat there with the raven, his head resting against his lap. He can't go to sleep anymore now. He doesn't want to leave Jungkook alone, he doesn't want him to have these nightmares. Jungkook was not dangerous, but when he got triggered like that then it would be dangerous. not only for taehyung but also for jungkook himself. The mutation seemed to be painful for him.

Taehyung sighed and looked at his arm, the bleeding had stopped. he had disinfected it to be sure. He won't get an infection from it since he is resistant to it. But still he doesn't know if there are any other bacteria in it what will case it to scar. He doesn't blame Jungkook for it. Taehyung knew what he got himself into and he knows Jungkook by now well enough to know his intentions. and they were not evil.

"I will need help if i want to keep you safe.." taehyung said softly while he gently stroked jungkook's soft black locks. He knows that if he wants to keep this up he will need help of his friends. they will have to know about Jungkook and their plan. He has to involve other people, he can't do it alone. One wrong move and they will be like rats in a corner, he will have no one to turn to. He needs his friend's help. 


i promise the story will get better later and get more action. now its still just telling jungkooks story and character. Slowly we will be going to a more interesting parts of the story!

thank you for reading again and see you in the next chapter!


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