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Taehyung stood up from the couch and followed after Jungkook, seeing another handprint on the door handle. "Jungkook... it's okay, really" he said, but the bedroom was empty. the window slightly ajar with a black ooze smear on the edge. "shit, not again" he quickly turned around and grabbed his keys, leaving the apartment.

Meanwhile Jungkook walked over the street into an small alleyway to avoid eyes. Placing a hand on his face to cover the scary mutation. Everything was hurting, It felt as if his bones were getting broken. Their deforming caused him a lot of pain, but he can't let it out. He pressed his lips together to hide any sound. Knowing that if someone heard him he was done for.

Weakly he leaned against the wall hugging himself as he felt his arms mutate more, his fingers cracking as they grew longer into claws. "stop...stop stop" he muttered with a strained voice. But it didn't stop, even if he wasn't as stressed it kept growing. Jungkook held his breath when he felt footsteps in the distance and a soft voice called his name. "No no.. stay away" he said softly and continued walking holding onto the wall when he almost fell over, his legs were throbbing making it hard for him to feel if he put his feet down or not. He walked until he was at a dead end. a big puddle on the ground wet his socks even more, making him look down. But he shouldn't have because now he was confronted by his own appearance. His own reflection staring back at him. the sunken mutated face, pale eyes looking at him.

How will he ever be someone good... how will he ever deserve to be with Taehyung if he looks like this. He can't show it to him. Maybe he should just leave...


Jungkook's eyes widened and he turned around seeing taehyung stand behind him. the older gasped when he saw Jungkook's look. A small part of Jungkook was still trying to just open up but the gasp triggered him and he vanished. His body turning into black ooze that slipped through the fence and changed back into him at the other side, he took off again.

"shit" taehyung took a print and did his best to climb over the fence, it took him a big effort but he managed to do it, only to fall down on the other side. a pained groan left his lips as he got up rubbing his shoulder. "you're so dumb Tae. maybe i gotta workout more"

Taehyung didn't have to guess where Jungkook was, on the ground were footsteps that were left behind from Jungkook's mutated legs. drops of ooze here and there. And the raven didn't get far, because just about ten meters into the next half of the alley sat Jungkook on the ground holding himself as he shivered.

"Kook...please," Taehyung said, walking closer slowly. He could see how bad Jungkook was right now. He was almost completely different. his clothes stained with the black liquid that coated his boney sunken body. Pained sounds were heard the closer Taehyung got.

"stay back..." Jungkook said. His voice is almost completely different. It was low and strange, taehyung hated to think of it but right now Jungkook really sounded like.... a monster.. the older gulped and mentally prepared himself, he wasn't sure if this will go well, but he has to try. he promise Jungkook he will help no matter what. and right now jungkook needs help. Even if he said he doesn't. Taehyung knows better now.

"Jungkook... I just want to help" Taehyung took another step closer but suddenly Jungkook's head snapped at him and he felt an arm grab his leg. He yelped in shock and kicked his leg around. a hand had come from the ground and tried to pull him down. But it was acting differently than the other times jungkook did this. this hand was weak, it was not aggressive as it was with the other people. Jungkook doesn't want to hurt him, he was just sending out warnings. Which is how Taehyung quickly got free and approached the ball on the ground, pacing a hand on his shoulder. He could feel the strange slippery skin through the fabric of his shirt.

"d-dont....Dont look at me" Jungkook said. But Taehyung didn't listen and sat down next to the younger. Pulling him into a hug. He brought Jungkook's head against his chest and just held him like that. Taehyung was quite sure he knew what was going on in Jungkook's head. so he chose his words carefully.

"beauty isn't just the outside Jungkook. You're not a monster, I'm not scared of you."

These words meant a lot to Jungkook. He had been so afraid of Taehyung seeing his mutant side. So far he only showed a small part. But today he was almost completely mutated. this was different, he was the monster he doesn't want to be. Taehyung should never have seen him like this. Jungkook doesn't want anyone to see him like this. Being naked was different, but this.... he had never felt more exposed than he was now.

"how can you.....Say this....Look at me, i-im...." Jungkook didn't finish his sentence. He still remembers Taehyung's words just now clearly. Yet he can't believe it. He cant believe taehyung was being honest, he had to be just saying this. Taehyung must be lying...

In reply Taehyung smiled and pulled away cupping Jungkooks face. A face that looks scary, yet he didn't feel scared. He held the cold sunken face gently. Looking into Jungkook's eyes, that had started to change back slowly.

"because I like you....More than just friends... I really care about you Jungkook. Not as a mutant, but as yourself"

"thank you....thank you..... thank you Tae" jungkook whispered softly and grabbed onto taehyung looking down. his mutation fading more and more. giving back Jungkook's own body. "I l-like you too.... but i.... I didn't think you would like me too.... because I'm different.. i'm like this"

"Please dont feel the need to hoodie yourself. i like you, i already knew you were a mutant, you don't need to feel worried for how i would react. I know how you are when you are yourself. And we will find a cure for you. So.. chin up, we got this. you got this. it's gonna be fine, "Taehyung smiled. The two shared one more hug before deciding to head back home.

"Are you alright now?" Taehyung asked as they neared the apartment, he already got his keys out.

"yes... sorry for running again... i just-"

"It's okay. don't worry about it. even if you run away a hundred more times, I will just come find you again. but you have to know that i'm not afraid of you, mutated or not, you're still the Jungkook i care about"

the younger smiled, feeling his heart warm. "I won't run again... I will try to.'

"good" taehyung chuckled and they neared the stairs to the entrance when two guards came out of the building. they looked at the two when they passed. Jungkook turned his head away and they quickly got inside.


The next day was important for both of them. Taehyung had gone back to work and the first thing he would do is check Jungkook's blood. to see what the machine found out. Taehyung had an early shift so he will have all day to do further research. Taehyung greeted his colleagues and used his keycard to open the door to the blood section. walking to the furthest room there was, a red light was above the door indicating it was out of use. Taehyung locked it off to prevent anyone from accidentally getting in. which won't be a problem since a lot of mutant blood was being examined here. No one would bat an eye at it. But since this was important, Taehyung had to lock the door like this. using a backup code he unlocked the lock for the keycard scanner and got inside, turning on the lights.

he approached the aching that was still on but frowned. this wasn't right... on the screen was a blinking alarm text, 'Caution, process interrupted, close lid and restart program'

Taehyung felt the lid and it was indeed open, inside it was empty. The blood was gone...


thankies for reading again! see you in the next chapterrrr 


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