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Jungkook wasn't sure what to feel right now. He was feeling nothing, he just stood there in this boy's room as he let him clean the blood off his skin and wound.

"you got a lot on you..." Taehyung said trying to get the other to talk.

"not mine" is all he got in reply. Not what he was hoping for, but at least it was something.

"I see...." taehyung could have guessed this wasn't jungkook's blood, except for that on his leg. He  knew how dangerous Jungkook was compared to others like him. But right now jungkook didn't seem like a threat to him.

Jungkook stared at taehyung who began to wrap up his wound. Feeling the tight pull he hissed and stepped back almost tripping over his own feet.

"sorry. Was that too tight?" the other apologized immediately. Jungkook never had someone apologize to him. He was usually the one to apologize for everything. Even things he did not do, it was expected of him.


Taehyung smiled friendly and tied the two ends together, hiding it behind all the wraps for a clean look. "There, this should be better. Keep it covered for now. You shouldn't get any dirt in there"

Jungkook didn't reply.

"i uhm...Have some old clothes you can have, you will be suspicious if you keep walking around in these" taehyung pointed at jungkook bloody clothes.


"i will just grab them" taehyung knows by now that the raven wasn't fond of talking much so he just takes matters in his own hands. He won't get the other to talk anyway.

While taehyung was gone jungkook took this moment to walk around the house. It wasn't a big house.  But definitely bigger than his, which was only a square of a three by three. Just a bed and a box with the same outfits for everyday. He didn't even get to shower on his own. He would be washed, they never let him alone. They said he was too dangerous.

Jungkook approached the small collection of photos. He recognized only Taehyung, who was standing with some other guys he had never seen before. Were there his friends? Jungkook didn't have any friends. Everyone was either scared of him or hurting him.

He froze when he noticed taehyung enter the living room again. Quick he put the photo down knocking over two others which he panicky began to put back up. "sorry i didn't mean to-"

"you can look at them, its alright. They are just my friends" taehyung smiled and placed the clothes on the table. "i got you something. I don't know if they fit, you are quite.. taller than me actually. ..But these were the biggest size i have in my closet. I will wait in the hallway for you to change"

".....Okay.." jungkook watched taehyung leave the room before cautiously approaching the pile of neatly folded clothes on the table.

So these were normal clothes? They looked comfortable.

Jungkook looked down at his own clothes and began to feel dirty. So he didn't hesitate to take it all off and change into the freshly smelling clothes that were given to him. He sniffed the sweet soap scent and let it engulf him in a protective feeling of warmth and coverage. This was the most covered as he remembered.

At the lab he was given a t-shirt and shorts, or sometimes a sweater for in the winter if he had to go outside for some reason. 

He poked his arms through the sweater and looked at his hands. They were cleaned, no more blood. It felt nice.... He felt back to normal. Like he used to be....
You would almost think he was just a regular guy if it wasn't for the black ink marking on his wrist. A barcode with his name and number above. He pulled the sleeves down and turned to the hallway door. Opening his mouth to let the other know he was done.

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