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Jungkook doesn't know how to feel about this. it was so noisy and so much happening around him, he didn't know where to look. Behind him were children running around, next to him an attraction with a loud beat playing and screaming people, on his left was a shooting stand 'pow pow' heard in his ear and then in front of him was even more, they just entered the fair and he was already feeling lost.

"Sooo, what do you wanna do first?" Taehyung asked, turning around and looking at the younger one. "we can go play games or go to an attraction"

"Uhm" jungkook looked around. He didn't like the sound of the play guns, they alarmed him but he managed to stay calm telling himself they were just fake play guns. "uh....i want to do..... that.... it looks fun" jungkook pointed to the throwing cans stand. a little child was being helped by their parent to knock over the cans with the small rubber balls.

"okay!'' Taehyung walked the raven to the stand and paid them a set of three throws. "do you want to go first?'' Taehyung asked, handing Jungkook one of the balls. The raven didn't reply but took the ball and stared at the child. watching the kid play he understood the goal.

"just... knock over the cans?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, so he was sure he wouldn't make a mistake.

"yup! You can try three times. but just knock over all of them to get a prize '' Taehyung smiled and watched Jungkook stare at the cans. The raven stood still at least thirty seconds before he raised his arm and took a step back. With a strong swing he threw the ball at the cans, it hit the bottom can with such force it got knocks over and made all the cans fall down, even the ball came back flying back, barely missing taehyung's face who yelped and ducked away seeing the ball come his way.

"done," Jungkook said blankly. Then he pointed up at a huge white buddy plush that was basically half their size.

"you will need more points to get a big prize, right now you have a hundred, you can choose anything from here" the stall owner said pointing to the low row behind him with small plush and toys.

"...." Jungkook stared at the row. He doesn't want those. He wants the bunny. With an annoyed frown he snatched the two left over balls from taehyung's hands and threw them at the other can towers knocking them over as well. "bunny" he said pointing at the big plush for a second time. this time with a less friendly expression on his face.

"a-alright, you got enough points this time. let me get my hook" the man chuckled awkwardly making his way over to their side so he can get the bunny down.

"Kook, be a little nice' taehyung said patting Jungkook's shoulder lightly. "don't scare him"

"...." Jungkook didn't reply but his frown turned into a fake smile.

The man handed him the bunny plush and Jungkook walked off with taehyung. the older pouted when he didn't get to play. "so uhm. you got quite a throw" taehyung said with a chuckle.

"Mutation side effects" jungkook replied and squished the bunny while looking at it. It was true. being mutated would give you side effects. In his case, effects he usually can control and are like a plus to him. His mutation gave him exceptional hearing and smell, and now taehyung also came to see that jungkook also had a really good aim. Jungkook was very aware of everything, it was quite fascinating.

"Can we go into that thing?' Jungkook asked, pointing to a wild attraction with a lot of screaming people in it.

"a-ah sure" taehyung stuttered out. He didn't really like that one, he always felt as if it would fall apart with how wild it was moving.

"you're scared..." Jungkook frowned a little, sensing the change in Taehyung. "why?"

"no no. I'm fine. we can go"

Jungkook looked at the other. "you're lying. but i won't push you to answer '' jungkook didn't think it was fair to keep asking while in comparison taehyung always respected his silence. Like he wanted they went into the attraction and during the ride taehyung was squeezing Jungkook's hand so tight it would have hurt if he was normal. But it didn't so he just held his hand back letting the other scream while he just smiled at him. He didn't think Taehyung would think this one was scary. It was cute.

But taehyung didn't think every one of them was scary of course. He loved attractions and roller coasters, just not that one. so for the rest of the day they went in a lot, they shared a lot of laughs together and bought a lot of presents for themselves. They went home when they had street food for dinner and the sun had disappeared. Both carrying their gifts in their arms.

"So how did you like it?"

"It was fun," Jungkook replied.

"im glad" taehyung smiled and looked at the raven who was already staring at him. unconsciously they slowed down until they both came to a halt, not breaking eye contact. They felt warm butterflies in their stomach... Taehyung was the one who broke the silence by chuckling nervously and turned his head away to hide a blush. "l-lets get inside" he cleared his throat and took out his keys which he dropped out of nervousness. "sorry, uhm yea heh'' he picked them up and opened the door for them letting Jungkook go inside first. mentally he cursed at himself for acting so stupid, he felt embarrassed.


Even though they had fun, Taehyung had to go to work today again. He was getting dressed in a special uniform for visiting infected patients. to prevent the risk of getting infected too. Taehyung entered the room Seokjin was being treated in, wearing his special wear with gloves which will keep him away from infection. Since this patient was still in his own conscious they won't be needing any head protection for bite risk.

"Hey Seokjin" Taehyung said and sighed. "how did you end up like this, you told us you'd be careful"

"sorry" Seokjin chuckled and sat up straight. his skin was very pale and his shoulder was wrapped up, from under the bandage you could see black veins. The source of infection was in his shoulder, it didn't look so bad right now, it was a light infection.

"so, what the hell happened?"

"Well, we got jumped by a new type of mutant. we didn't see him i think he could camouflage or something"

"oh" taehyung got interested. So a new mutant that could camouflage? Were they getting smarter? or what was this then?

"But yea, I might also just be blind as a stone. anyway, i will get better right?" seokjin asked, looking at his shoulder and rubbing it a little. The wound was very itchy and he just wanted to scratch it but touching it too much may cause the infection to spread onto other parts of his body as well. It was best not to touch it.

"I think so, yes, the infection doesn't look bad. We've seen worse, But you might still have to live with side effects, your body will be more vulnerable to diseases because a lot of your resistance will be ruined by the mutation. but as far we know no healed patient got any major side effects from your type of infection"

"That's good. Do you have any idea how long I gotta stay here? my team really needs me back to work soon..."

"Well, I'd say at least two weeks. It's really hard to neutralize the growth and then remove the harmful cells from your blood. It's gonna take time. we're still researching for a faster way, but at least it's effective."

"alright" Seokjin chuckled. "They gotta survive without me then.But not to worry, Hoseok will take over my spot in the team."

"Now, go relax, I will be back later with reports of your scan." Taehyung smiled and left the room to go pick up Seokjin's results.


thanks for reaaadingggg, see you in the next chapterrr


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