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It was eight in the morning. The sun rose bright in the sky. The golden rays were falling from the window on an heavenly beauty sleeping on a chair head resting on his study table making him look just like an angel. 

Even though the boy was ethereal but tiredness was clearly visible on his face. The black circles under his closed eyes and the pale skin was crystal clear evidence for it.

He was sleeping on the scattered papers on the desk with his laptop still on, stating he fell asleep while working on it. He had slept a few hours ago when his eyes gave up and he couldn't refuse the tempting sleep which instantly lulled him to a deep slumber.

He has been barely sleeping or eating for many days now. He lost his job last month and after continuous tries of finding a suitable job the whole month he was failing badly. 

He was losing hope of finding a good job. He sent his resume to many companies but to his disappointment no one wanted to give him a job because he doesn't have any much experience in the field. He didn't even have money to pay for their apartment rent but his mom paid it on behalf of him.

It surely crushed him from inside. He doesn't want to trouble his mom anymore. She already did enough by raising him as a single parent. She went through a lot while raising him all alone without his father with them. But it doesn't mean she let her son suffer and be despised for anything. She provided him everything which he desired.

She never thought about herself just for him. When his father cheated on his mother and left her, his grandparents wanted to remarry her and about him they wanted to send him to some orphanage but she didn't agree. She left her everything just to be with her child.

Even when he was betrayed by his boyfriend his mom came to him running. She sold everything in the busan they had just to be with her son who was going through a worst heartbreak.

His world is his mom just like he is her mom's. He still remembers how his mom struggled and went through a lot while providing him a better life and working hard for his education. 

He wants to give his mom the whole world and provide her with every happiness of the universe because she deserves each of them. Even if he has to go through hell he will happily do it just for his mom.

A sudden ringing of the phone broke the deep slumber which made Jungkook sit straight on the chair, opening his doe eyes wide which were still droopy and unfocused. 

He was in daze but his dainty soft hands didn't stop roaming on the desk to find the ringing device. Jungkook rubbed his eyes with his fists trying to remove the blurriness from them.

He looked at the screen where an unknown number was displaying. He frowned but nonetheless accepted the call thinking it might be from any company he send his resume to.


His all sleepiness flew away as his heart was full of hope. He was so scared and nervous. If it wasn't what he was thinking it might surely be dejected by it.

"Hello, is it Mr Jeon jungkook speaking?" The person from the other side asked professionally.

It only strengthened the hope he had after hearing the person. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"Yes, it's Jeon jungkook. Who is it?" He crossed his fingers while biting his lips nervously praying to God to make it true whatever he was thinking.

"I am speaking from kim corporation. We received your resume recently and you meet our requirements for the job."

As soon as the person finished, Jungkook's heart started beating rapidly. His doe eyes were wide and mouth formed an o shape on it. Does he finally get a job?

A big bunny smile made its way to his petal like soft lips as his heart started jumping in joy. Finally he got the job. He covered his mouth with his palm suppressing the urge to scream and jump in excitement.

"If possible can you come and meet us at eleven so we can discuss it in detail?" The person continued while jungkook hurriedly contained himself, nodding his head vigorously to himself.

"Really!! Yes yes I can. I will be there by eleven." After cutting the call he hurriedly dashed out of his room to give this news to his mom.

"MOM……" his shout echoed in the small apartment as he ran inside the kitchen where his mom was cooking for them.

His mom flinched at the shout and before she could register anything her son hugged her tightly from behind squealing cutely. 

"Kookie baby what happened?" She asked, turning off the stove to face her son.

"Mom, I think i got the job." He exclaimed as his alluring bunny smile never leaving his cherry red lips.

It brought a smile to his mom's lips too. She cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead lovingly. 

"You think? I am hundred and one percent sure my jungkookie will get the job." She beamed proudly squeezing his cheeks.

Jungkook hugs her tightly burying his face in her shoulder, feeling his heart at peace. She is the only one he has in his life who loves him and can never betray him.

His mom then pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

"Alright then let's eat now mm. Go and freshen up. I will be done by then." She ushered him to go, which he complied, walking back to his room.


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Ignore the mistakes please.
In next chapter wonnie and kookie will meet.❣️✨

Stay safe and take care.

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