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"Good morning!" Jungkook greeted his precious bears standing there excitedly after opening the door of his home.

"Nuu~ it'sh a bad molning."

Jungkook chuckled amusedly, eyeing their four years and five months old son peeking from his dad's neck at him. He cooed walking close to both.

"Aww.. who made my baby's morning bad mm?" He gushed, averting his eyes from Taewon to Taehyung whose pleading gaze was already on him.

The thing is last night Taewon was watching TV with his grandparents and during that he saw a beach. He right away asked his dad to take him to the beach while Taehyung, being nonchalant, promised him without thinking twice.

Not knowing his son would demand to go to the beach first thing in the morning. The boy even woke up early and got ready on his own. Of course Taehyung didn't mean to take him there the next day only. He had to attend an important meeting.

However taewon was persistent on going on the beach today no matter what. The older was feeling helpless but his other baby assured him that he would persuade Taewon.

"Dada. Wonnie's dada ish mweanie!"

Jungkook bit his lips to control himself from laughing out loud, seeing Taehyung throwing a look of disbelief at the little one who looked away with a sullen face.

"Haww, how dare he being meanie to my cub mm? Let's not talk with him. Come to mama, I will take you out ok?"

Taewon pouted and went to his mama without any protest. Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully seeing his son being so obedient to Jungkook. Taewon only listens to Jungkook. Always stay attached to the younger like his little shadow and ignores his dada whenever he's with his mama.

After all he's a mama's boy.

"Go inside to granny, mama is coming soon mm." Jungkook put taewon down who rushed inside to Miss Jeon.

The day Taewon called Miss Jeon granny Mrs Kim faced the biggest betrayal of her life. She threw a big tantrum and even packed her bag to leave the house however she couldn't.

The reason behind her dramatic reaction stopped her. The little cub cupped her face with his smol hands and explained that they needed to impress his mama's mom so that she would let his dada marry him.

Of course she wasn't convinced at all however Taewon said that she's his favorite that's why he didn't call her granny. She immediately smiled, discarding the idea of leaving the house. That means Miss Jeon is not her cub's favorite, only she is. Yayy.

Only if she had an idea how Taewon says Miss Jeon is her most favorite behind her back.

Miss Jeon loves the little boy too much. The boy won her heart with his cuteness within a few days only. She has accepted him as her grandson and pampers him as one.

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