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A pitter patter sound of two smol feet of a three years old baby boy was making their way towards a huge king sized bed where his dad was sleeping without any care of the world.

The little one slapped his head with his chubby hand shaking his head cutely in disappointment when he saw his dad was still in a deep slumber knowing very well that it's his time for his office.

"Dada wakie wakie itsh time to go officsh." He grasped his dad's arm which was dangling from one side of the bed while shaking it hoping the elder will show some movement.

The little one huffed puffing his chubby cheeks while a huge pout captured his small baby lips eyeing his dad in sheer disappointment. He then looked around to find his tiny stool so that he could stand on it to get on the bed as he was really too small to get up on the bed on his own.

His almond orbs lit up when he found his little stool. With a big smile adorning his cute plump lips he ran on his little feet to get the stool. He dragged the stool near the bed.

A huff left his mouth after pushing the heavy stool all the way long. He got on it and now he could clearly see his sleeping dad's face. He put his soft palm on his dad's handsome face whose closed eyes were covered with the fluffy raven locks falling over his face, a cute pout adorning his pillowy lips and bread cheeks were puffy which his son was shaking in an attempt to wake him up.

"Dada its molning wakie wakie." He pouted angrily continuously shaking his log dad but to his disapproval the man was not even showing a little movement.

"Dada~" he whined, the adorable pout never leaving his baby lips.

He crossed his arms around his chest, eyes glaring at his dad who was not even acknowledging his alluring presence around him or maybe pretending to not.

He whined and started stomping his feet on the stool in anger making the stool shake with his movement. He yelped suddenly when he lost his balance but before he could fall on the floor he was pulled up on the bed by his dad.

"Wonnie, you ok baby?" A deep voice of Kim Taehyung resonated in the room, as a frown of worry was hovering over his face.

All of the sleepiness flew away from taehyung's body when he heard his little cub's tiny yell. His heart was hammering inside thinking if he didn't catch him at the right time his son would have fallen down on the cold floor.

His veiny arms were securely around his son's tiny body and eyes on his alluring face making sure he was not hurt. He finally breathed in relief when he was sure his son was alright.

His son is his life. His sunshine, who brightens up his dull life with his endearing existence. He was broken by heart and soul before. He doesn't have even a tiny hope that could bring his crushed lifeless soul back to life and feel him alive again.

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