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With his little feet, Taewon sprinted towards a specific drawer in his dad's room, almond orbs showing nothing but desperation and helplessness to find something precious to his heart in it.

They should have been here, they were supposed to be in here then why can't he find it.

His lips trembled as he searched the drawer hastily but couldn't find anything.

The beautiful pearl drops fell from Taewon's eyes, soft palms pushed the drawer shut not finding the thing his heart desired for.

Still he didn't give up. He ran everywhere around the room, hands restlessly pulling each and every drawer to find them.

A choked sob resonated in the room when the little one didn't get them. Those priceless photos.

Jungkook's photos.

His mama's photos.

He needs them. He needs to see Jungkook if not in reality at least virtually. He needs him terribly.

No one has a slight idea how Taewon was dying inside to see Jungkook all these torturous days. He never uttered a single word about how much he was longing to see Jungkook.

He was scared to even upset his dad more because of him which he already did.

But today's interaction with Jungkook had left him dreary. Jungkook called himself his mama, he was begging him to be in his arms but he didn't go to Jungkook. He ran away instead. He left him alone crying there. Which he never wanted to.

All he wanted was to run to Jungkook, to be in his arms, to talk with him, to complain about that bad unkie, to explain how bad he was terrified when he shouted at him.

He wants his mama to comfort him with his protective warm embrace. He wants to snuggle closer to his mama, to get pampered by his kisses and cuddles to hear his soft melodious voice assuring him.

Those starry eyes flooded with tears roamed around each corner, smol hands desperately opening every drawer, boxes, closet inside of his dad's room to see even a slight glimpse of Jungkook's photos but those photos are nowhere to be seen.

Now what? He needs to see Jungkook.. his mama just this once.

He sat on the floor near the edge of the huge king sized bed, tears streaming down his eyes wetting his chubby cheeks, his mind recalling the words of his mama.

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