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It was a dream. Jungkook knew. It can never be reality. Taehyung can never be there in his arms this close to him. He knew it was just his illusion. He was hallucinating about having Taehyung close.

Yet it doesn't feel like a dream. It felt so surreal which left him in a dilemma. Was he really dreaming? He was doubting his own dream. The same dream which always brings his love, his Taehyung to him every single day.

So he decided to trust his dream.

His lips moved with the undying passion that unbearable crave he had buried deep in his heart. His hands trailed from Taehyung's jaw to his cheeks. With a tilt of head he took Taehyung's lower lip in his mouth giving it a hard hungry suck.

More. He wanted more. He needed more. He needed to taste the yearning lips until his soul could quench its thirst. The thirst which can never be quenched.

Because in the end he would be left craving for more, for Taehyung.. for his everything.

A tinge of possessiveness ran through his veins which made him bite hard on the older's lips causing them to bleed. The metallic taste brought a contented hum from his throat.

He kissed and kissed Taehyung until he felt their lips going numb. Yet it didn't stop him. The urgency in his actions were justifying his hunger for those pillowy heart shaped lips.

While Taehyung was frozen in his place. He didn't know what was happening anymore. It was a dream for him too. Maybe he was hallucinating as well because no way on earth Jungkook will kiss him.

However he didn't back away nor did he try to push the boy away. How can he when he was the sole owner of his heart, soul, body, his everything. Only Jungkook can touch him like this.

Because Kim Taehyung was Jungkook's. His everything was of jungkook's. And it will be Jungkook's forever.

Taehyung rested his hand on Jungkook's waist, rubbing it in a soothing way, sensing the boy going breathless while still kissing him.

With a loud smooch Jungkook broke the kiss, a satisfied smile plastered on his swollen lips. His face was barely an inch apart from the older's who's hot rapid breath was hitting his lips mingling his own shallow one.

His hands glued to Taehyung's nape playing with the short hair. With a low sigh he opened his hooded eyes only to get drowned in the almond ones.

"Ufff dada~" Taewon's whine made Jungkook flick back to reality.

His shocked wide eyes watched Taehyung with the utmost horror as if he saw a ghost in front of him. He gasped like a fish, opening and closing his mouth abruptly.

He doesn't know what to do. His mind was all blank. He kissed Taehyung. He freaking kissed Taehyung for real.

Oh no no no no. No.

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