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It's his favourite voice that he was dying to hear. Never knew he still craved his husky deep voice like crazy which would always make his heart feel at ease and sooth him. 

Unknowingly, his heart started beating rapidly. His breathing quickens as well. Is it really him or is his mind playing with him?

He took courage to turn his head to the backside and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it was him, his ex, Taehyung. Tears started gathering in his eyes without his own realisation as he watched Taehyung through his blurry vision going to Mrs kim and the baby with rushed steps.

He changed a lot. His features weren't soft like they used to be, they became dangerously prominent and sharp. But one thing was the same. His ocean-like deep almond eyes.

Those eyes still held the same love and unconditional adoration in them just like they used to have. The only difference was now it wasn't for Jungkook anymore but for someone else.

"Dada." Just a single word and Jungkook's already wounded heart shattered into pieces.

Tears streamed down his doe eyes like a waterfall without any restriction. He couldn't believe it. Taehyung really moved on and forgot about him as if he meant nothing. If they meant nothing to him.

It's not like Jungkook never expected it. He did, he freaking did when the other boy betrayed him, broke him into pieces by cheating on him despite knowing he is jungkook's everything but now why was it hurting the younger like if someone is stabbing his heart mercilessly, tearing it into pieces.

Seems like taehyung's love was fake, an illusion. He never loved jungkook. That's why he moved on in his life this easily, forgetting about the younger if he never ever existed in his life.

And that was true for Jungkook, he never meant anything to taehyung. If he ever did taehyung wouldn't have betrayed him, played with his heart and left him broken and crushed after using him for his selfish desires.

Jungkook hastily wiped away the tears from his cheeks. His teary eyes stared Taehyung taking Taewon in his arms and saw how relief washed over his face. As if taehyung got his life back. 

Which was indeed true. Taewon was Taehyung's life. Taehyung kissed his son on his temple as he blinked away the tears that gathered at the corner of his eyes after having his son in his arms all safe.

Taehyung was scared to the core and worried like hell. He was dying every second as the negative thoughts were wandering inside his head. He can't lose Taewon. He already lost so much in his life that now he lives with a fear in his heart of losing his son. He will surely die if something happens to Taewon. 

Taehyung made the little one face him. His heart was still trembling inside his chest.

"Wonnie, why did you leave mom alone? Do you have any idea how worried we got because of it? How could you run away like this huh?" Taehyung scolded the boy whose lips wobbled and eyes turned teary looking down at his dad's chest in shame.

Love and Trust? || Taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now