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・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.

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.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.

It was ten at night when Taekook left the venue. Mr and Mrs Kim had already gone home with taewon as the little bean fell asleep being all exhausted.

"Are you tired, baby?"

Jungkook gazed up at Taehyung and shook his head. No he wasn't. Fortunately he took a long nap in the afternoon feeling bored at home.

Taehyung didn't say anything further, just intertwined their fingers and proceeded to walk on the empty road with a content face. The calmness of the night warming their hearts with bliss.

Bliss of being together.

Jungkook halted, a frown resting on his serene face when the warmth on his hand vanished. Restlessly he gazes at Taehyung who now stood before him, a soft smile present on his lips.

"Jungkookie." He gushed, eyes glistening with tenderness for his love.

Jungkook hummed, lowering his eyes in shyness, unable to handle the intensity of the older's gaze.

"Want a ride home?" Taehyung asked, flicking his bunny's chin affectionately.

Jungkook raised his head, frowning in confusion. Ride? But they don't even have their car with them. Then how?

Taehyung smiled at his bunny's adorable confused face. He simply grasped the younger's hand and placed a familiar key on his palm.

Jungkook's eyes went wide, mouth parting unconsciously staring at the key which had the little bunny and tiger keychain attached to it. His first ever gift as a boyfriend to Taehyung.

Those enlarged eyes softened glistening with the flicks of nostalgia recalling their university days when Taehyung used to pick him up by the bike.

While Taehyung started dragging his feet backwards, eyes lingering on his dazed lover. Jungkook's eyes followed his movement and that's when he saw the bike.

"Oh my god! Our bike!! Taetae our bike." He shouted, a big toothy grin adorning his face, pointing his finger at the bike.

Taehyung breathed out a fond laugh, witnessing the younger literally hopping like a little bunny.

"So it's yes or?" He tilted his head, patting on the bike.

Jungkook squeals, throwing himself on Taehyung who catches him perfectly in his arms.

"Yes, yesss!! I want a ride." He giggled smooching his man's lips, who smiled bashfully placing him on the bike.


Jungkook dug his bunny teeth in his lower lip, rapidly batting his eyes to get rid of the overwhelming tears which were currently gathered at the corners of his eyes threatening to fall down.

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