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Happy New Year ✨

Jungkook stirred up, opening his burning eyes reluctantly, his chest heaving up and down due to breathing heavily. A hiss escaped his mouth feeling his head throbbing like someone is beating it with a hammer.

The constant ache made him trash his head on the pillow in discomfort. Damn it, he shouldn't have gotten drunk.

Actually it was never his plan to get drunk in the first place. But seeing Jimin being so close and all over Taehyung, he couldn't suppress the burning sensation of his heart and ended up drinking heavily.

He does remember Taehyung coming to pick him up but what happened after that. And where was he?

Winching lowly Jungkook opened his eyes, hands still pressed to the sides of his head. A familiar ceiling came into view the moment he got rid of the blurriness of his eyes.

He raised his upper body, roaming his eyes around the familiar room quite curiously and eagerly. Tears knocked out of his doe eyes long drowned in admiring the long lost heaven in which he spent the most precious moments of his life with his Taehyung.

He was dying to be here to come back to his paradise. Every single thing inside the room was the same it used to be four years ago. The photos revived the heartwarming moments captured in them, piercing his heart with the bittersweet pang.

His heart thumped louder as tears painted his rosy cheeks feeling his body getting embraced with the familiar warmth of the memories overflowing before him. But a fond smile was present on his face.

He hurriedly slid the duvet covers away from his body, slowly dragging his feet around every corner, feeling the walls filled with their pictures, his handmade painting with the touch of his soft palms.

Nothing was changed as if he had traveled back to the beautiful past of theirs when everything belonged to him, where once he owned the whole house.

His smile turned upside down when the realization poured on him like the icy cold water shivering his inside with the brutal reality. He doesn't belong here anymore.

His body slumped as he dropped himself in the middle of the bed, legs dangling at the edge. The gush of tears escaped his closed crinkled eyes trailing down the side of his face, causing him to hide his eyes with his arm.

The ache of his heart overpassed the one of his head erupting a cracked cry from his burning throat. Their past always crushes him with the overwhelming weight which leaves him with nothing.

Why do they even part away? Why does Taehyung have to betray him like that?

His headache worsened as he whimpered, clutching his hair in his fists harshly. He was burning as well. He just wants to end this pain. It was getting unbearable.

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