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A symphony of warm hues melting the serene sky, sun bidding a peaceful goodbye while slowly fading down the horizon spreading glowing darkness all around.

Sunsets were something which Jungkook used to adore from the depth of his heart. It always brought a contentment to his soul whenever he admired the magnificent view all wrapped in Taehyung's protective arms in a busy street.

They never cared where they were, who were watching them and what others might be thinking about them. All they cared about was them. Them being in one another's embrace, doing nothing just enjoying each other's warmth, hearing each other's silence in the hustle bustle of the busy surrounding.

All their favorites.

Evenings were something which both used to wait for keenly. The yearning of their hearts to feel each other against their bodies was something they can't explain in words. Even though it was their everyday thing, the craving, the longing to get wrapped in each other's arms, basking in one another's scent would just increase in them.

Words, those were never needed in between them. Just one touch and they could read each other's silence ever so clearly.

Then why couldn't Jungkook read the lies in those almond orbs which always glistened with immense love for him, why couldn't he predict the brutal stab of betrayal he's gonna get directly on his heart?

Breaking his heart into pieces, Taehyung left him behind all shattered, without turning back for once.

He waited and waited desperately despite what happened, his hopeful eyes would always be there staring at the door in hope that it would get opened one day by Taehyung but it never happened. His miserable heart would bleed in agony whenever his hope would clash at the end of the day when Taehyung never for once showed up there.

Three years passed away like that hence there was no sign of Taehyung. He never returned to him. He never came back, not even to apologise, not even for an explanation, nothing.

Taehyung vanished from his world after destroying it completely. All of his heart's desires died without him. His happiness, his peace, everything got snatched just the way Taehyung got snatched by the cruel fate.

"Kookie what are you doing here?"

Tearing his gaze from the now dark sky Jungkook looked behind to find Yugyeom standing there with a confused face. He doesn't realise he was standing outside a bookshop for a very long time now, all lost in thoughts.

The friendship between yugyeom and Jungkook got really strong after that day. Yugyeom never asked him anything about his and Taehyung's relationship which he was grateful of. For the first time he got a real friend after Taehyung.

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