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Longggg chapter ahead~~


"Waeeeee.. wonnie will not stay thele fol long... wonnie will just see mama give him kissies and come back.... Wonnie pwomise dad~" the youngest member of the Kim family whined stomping on his tiny feet.

The thing is little wonnie wants to go to his dad's office with his grandparents and meet his mama sneakily. And his grandparents after getting the oh so beautiful flashbacks of their last time adventure can't help but to shiver at the memory.

"Still no." Mr Kim shook his head without looking at the horribly pouting boy.

"Come on dad mom help wonnie please." Taewon pleaded looking at them with his sparkling puppy eyes and jutted out lips knowing very well no can ever resist it.

"We want to help you too baby but if that Hitler dada of yours saw us there he will literally eat us alive." This time it's his granny who spoke, widening her eyes dramatically.

Taewon stared at them for a brief moment before huffing loudly, puffing his adorable cheeks and averting his gaze from them.

"You all ale mweanies.. no one loves wonnie anymole. Wonnie ish sad, no one cales for wonnie.." the boy started crying loudly hiding his face behind his smol palms.

The kim couple cooed at their alluring baby as they both shared a glance at each other stifling their laugh seeing the boy peeking at them from his tiny fingers.

"Aww so sad." Mrs Kim uttered with a disappointed face.

Taewon heard it and pucker his lips more, finally withdrawing his palms from his sulking face.


Mr Kim sighed softly and decided to change the topic. He pulled the grumpy baby in his lap who wiggled at first but stopped after a few attempts.

"Aish fine fine how about we go to the park?" He asked suggestively and let out a soft chuckle seeing the boy turning his head to the other direction.

"Wonnie won't talk with mweanies." As soon as Taewon finished, both elders gasped loudly.

"Haww now we are meanies, seriously cub?" Mrs Kim asked, gaining the boy's attention to herself.

"Yesh yesh you both mweanies and that Kim Taetae ish the biggest mweanie." Taewon grumbled spreading his arms wide telling how much of the meanie his dada was.

Mrs Kim nodded furiously. "Yes, he is."

Taewon shot a glare at her with his almond eyes lips molded into an angry pout hearing what his granny said. How dare his granny say his dada is meanie?

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