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It was Friday evening when Jungkook reached kim mansion after getting a call from Taehyung who requested him to reach there as soon as possible.

"Mama!" Taewon jumped down from the couch running on his tiny feet towards his mama abandoning his colouring book behind.

"Aigoo my little baby." Jungkook gushed, picking up his son in his arms.

The boy draped his smol arms around his neck and snuggled closer adorably.

"Wonnie missed mama sho much." The little boy exclaimed, widening his arms showing how much he missed his mama.

Jungkook cooed at his adorable antics and kissed his adorable chubby cheeks causing taewon to giggle covering his little mouth shyly.

"Mama missed his baby too." Jungkook booped their noses together while making his way to the couch.

During that he noticed no one was present there. He frowned in confusion however shrugged asking the little one instead.

"Where's everyone cub?"

He giggled, finding Taewon looking at him in awe. This boy is surely whipped for him.

"Mom dad ale getting leady fol the pawty." He shared as Jungkook ohed in response.

"Then what about your dada? Where's he?" Even though he had an idea about the older being in his room as well he still asked to confirm.

"Dada ish in his loom." The baby cub exclaimed.

"Kookie you are here." Mrs Kim's cheery voice from behind made both turn towards her direction.

Their faces brightened up with big smiles seeing the beautiful lady.

"Hey mom." Jungkook greeted only to get engulfed by her in a tight hug.

"Finally! Tae is waiting for you in his room. Go and get ready. I will dress wonnie by then." She ushered him to go as she took a whining Taewon in her arms already rushing to her room.

One of Mr Kim's close friends invited the Kim family to his son's reception party. Of course without the bunny the family was incomplete. That's why they all were waiting for the boy so that they could leave together.

Jungkook sighed and skipped his way to Taehyung's room and just like everything flew off his mind seeing his man blow drying his hair with a dryer, a towel loosely draped around his waist.

"Baby!" Taehyung gasped, hastily covering his bare chest with his hands.

Jungkook's jaw dropped at the other's action. Seriously? There's no such a part on Taehyung's body he hasn't seen yet and the man has the audacity to hide it from him? HIM?

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