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"Wow you really did it." Yugyeom exclaimed with his mouth ajar staring at Jungkook with his wide eyes.

Jungkook just walked away completely ignoring his existence. Seeing him walking away, Yugyeom rushed behind him with the file the bunny boy gave him a few moments ago.

"Hey!! Where are you going?" Yugyeom asked curiously, walking side by side with him.

"None of your business." Jungkook replied bluntly and rolled his eyes in annoyance hearing the other male's dramatic gasp.

"Haww~ how rude."

That's it jungkook had enough of his accusations. Does he forget what he did yesterday to him?

Yugyeom literally dropped the file when Jungkook halted on his path facing him with a deadly glare.

"You have no right to say this after what you did to me yesterday." He snapped, his eyes continuing to glare at the gulping male.

Yugyeom hang his head down in shame and the next moment he bowed 90° in front of jungkook while saying-

"Aish fine i am sorry i shouldn't have let you go there alone."

Jungkook sighed, massaging his temples. The boy in front of him was just causing him a headache. To get rid of this unwanted torture to his head he decided to forgive yugyeom.

"It's fine, now move away I have to go."

Jungkook gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in pure annoyance when instead of moving away yugyeom again stood in his way blocking him from going further.

"No, I need to make it up to you. Umm how about I treat you for dinner. This way we will get to know each other well and become friends. What do you say?" He asked expectedly, eyes glistening with hope.

"No need, I don't need anything, just leave me alone." Jungkook snapped with squinting eyes.

"Please nah jungkook, don't be so cruel." Yugyeom whined loudly as the bunny boy pushed him away and stormed away from there.

"Jungkook yah Jeon jungkook stop right there it's your team leader's order." He ordered rushing behind the fuming male.

No way in the hell he will let jungkook go away easily. He was not feeling so good after yesterday. He was really guilty and all he want was to get rid of this feeling. The only thing he came up with was to treat the boy for a meal and become friends with him.

Seems like it wasn't that easy the way he interpreted.

"In your dreams." Jungkook yelled back and went to work.

While yugyeom keeps on whining and crying dramatically at the ignorance of the younger. This boy is surely gonna give him a hard time.

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