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The morning was hella rushy and bushy in the Kim mansion. All thanks to their little cub who was really enthusiastic from the second he woke up. The smile on his endearing face was just widening because he was gonna spend his day with his mama.

The thought itself is making him excited. He got everyone doing something for him in the house. It was his dad who got him ready for the day by dressing him up into a cute light pastel yellow coloured sweater which he got for his son recently.

While his grandpa packed his little backpack with all the essential things the boy uses and needs throughout the day. Feeding the little munchkin was the hardest of all as the boy was way too eager to go to his mama.

It took them fifteen minutes to reach Jungkook's house. Taehyung himself was dropping his son and mom by driving there despite the suffocating feeling he had inside him. On the contrary, Mrs Kim insisted on spending some time with Jungkook as well, much to Taehyung's relief.

The aforementioned was unusually quiet all these while. His face was emotionless even his eyes lacked emotions in them. He didn't sleep the whole night. His mind was filled with the thoughts of his son staying with Jungkook, torturing his head.

It's not like Jungkook was someone unknown to him. He knows him way too well. Jungkook will surely take care of his son. He would never hurt his son. He knows. He believes it.

Because he trusts Jungkook.

Even when the boy doesn't.

But the uneasy feeling of something happening to his son was not letting him breath in peace. It's like something deep in him was screaming for not letting his son go to Jungkook.

He wants to take Taewon back home but the sparkling eyes, glowing face with that never fading excited toothy grin of his son was forcing him to push that thought back.

He was scared, scared of that unknown sick feeling he was getting from his constant overthinking to turn true. He was praying desperately for nothing to happen to his son.

"Mama lives here?" The little one asked with an amused face eyeing the small cozy looking house in front of him, bringing his dad out of the deep thoughts.

Mrs Kim smiled nodding her head. "Yes he lives here."

She exited the car proceeding to the back seat taking her grandson out as well. While Taehyung also came out of the car. He sat on his knees before his son, hugging him tightly closer to his chest, trying to calm the anxiousness of his heart.

"Do call dada if you don't feel good. Dada will come here immediately, ok." Taehyung uttered, looking at his son worriedly.

While the little one bobbed his head up and down rapidly before kissing his dad's bread cheeks one by one like always.

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