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"Mom hully up wonnie's mama ish waiting fol wonnie." Taewon squealed, rushing inside his dad's company with his tiny feet.

"Aish wonnie slow down cub, you will fall baby and your mama is not running anywhere." Mrs Kim sighed for the nth time shaking her head at her impatient grandson while rushing behind that alluring tiny figure.

This boy has been this excited and fussy from the morning. All the three elders were so done with their little cub. The boy woke up and got ready on his own, surprising them all. He was doing his every work with enthusiasm yet impatiently.

When Mr and Mrs Kim told the little one they would take him to his mama he was over the moon hearing them. He wanted to leave the hospital right then but couldn't as his dad told him to get strong and healthy first before meeting jungkook.

Taewon surely pouted sadly but nonetheless agreed to stay at the hospital to become a strong boy for his mama. It took him two days to recover fully and get discharged from the hospital. After that here they were with Taewon energetically waddling to his mama while his granny followed him behind.

One would think those past days were smooth for the Kim family but it wasn't. Their little cub had eaten their heads by asking every second of the day about jungkook like what his mama likes, what mama loves to eat, mama's favourite colour, why mama don't live with them, does mama is angry with them etc etc.

His questions were mostly answered by his granny who somehow managed to make him understand that his mama has to take care of his mother and can't leave her alone. That's why he doesn't live with them.

But the most surprising part was when Taehyung blunted out mindlessly about Jungkook's unconditional love for banana milk and mint choco. When he realised what he uttered he literally flew away from there avoiding everyone especially his mom who was creepily smirking at him.

Taehyung never spoke a word related to Taewon meeting Jungkook anymore. He has made his mind strong that until his boy turns four he will let him meet jungkook. He already witnessed his son's condition when he tried to stop him from seeing Jungkook and now his heart was way too weak to see his boy in that state again.

While Jungkook never visited Taewon at the hospital. It was understandable because first he needed time to make himself strong. It isn't easy for him to pretend as someone's mother that too of his ex's baby.

And second he was still not ready to face taehyung. He still needs time for it and that time hasn't come yet. But he stayed in contact with Taewon by talking with him on the phone when the boy just couldn't stop missing him.

It surprises him how much he was craved and yearned by that little boy with whom he met just twice. And unknowingly he has developed a very soft spot for the boy in his heart because Taewon was way too lovable and endearing to avoid.

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