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!!WARNING: Mention of drûgs, vi0lence and m0lestation!!


Fresh blood was oozing from his bruised knuckles while he continued to throw hard punches on the other male's face who was laying there almost lifelessly.

Almost all students were present there witnessing the scene with a horrified face. The university's heartthrob the most polite soft spoken boy who never gave a damn to anyone was beating the shit out of Choi jaehyuk the so called playboy.

However no one dared to stop the possessed tiger. They were scared to face the untamed beast who could only be calmed by none other than Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung's boyfriend and the reason behind his uncontrollable fury.

By now everyone knows Taehyung can go to any extent for his Jungkook.

The beaten up male on the floor was trying his best to push away him but his strength was nothing in comparison with Taehyung's who had turned into a whole beast.

Fire was leaping from his eyes as he gave another hard punch on the b@stard's nose who tried to force himself on his moon, his world, his lifeline.

How dare he? No one can touch his Jungkook with their filthy hands. No one. He will fúçking kill them, tear them into pieces.

"Taetae p-please stop.. please I-I am scared h-hyungie." A tiny whimper made Taehyung flick back to reality.

He harshly let go of jaehyuk and kicked on his guts who cried pathetically. Taehyung messily wiped the blood off from his hands on his pants and gently removed Jungkook's hands from his ears.

His eyes soften instantly witnessing his baby's state. Those rosy cheeks were painted by the excess tears, eyes were puffy and pretty petal lips were wobbling through which the heart clenching whimpers were escaping.

Taehyung pulled his trembling baby in his embrace, hiding his beautiful moon's face in his chest, big hands drawing calming circles on his back.

"Shh.. I'm sorry, I am sorry for scaring you, moon. Don't cry please." He soothed softly.

The moment the familiar deep voice went in Jungkook's ear the boy hugged him tightly clutching his shirt in a tight grip. He broke down sobbing in his boyfriend's embrace.

Taehyung closed his eyes with a sharp inhale, feeling his heart breaking with each cry of his love. He knows Jungkook hates violence that's why he always avoids getting into any kind of fight in his boy's presence.

Unfortunately today he lost control over himself in front of his baby. But he doesn't regret a bit of it. That b@stard deserved to be beaten like that for trying to touch his Jungkook.

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