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"How dare you complain about us to your mom huh? Because of you my dad scolded me. Now I will show you what you get when you mess with sehun."

The boy named sehun pushed the eight years old Jungkook harshly by his shoulder causing the boy to fall on the dirty floor with a loud thud on his elbows which got scratched and started bleeding.

Jungkook was sobbing uncontrollably, body shuddering terribly staring at the group of five to six boys with his blurry doe eyes filled with nothing but extreme fear.

He was always bullied by the other students in the school. The reason behind it was– he doesn't have his father anymore who left him and his mom for someone else.

But it's not his fault that his father cheated on his mom, it's not his fault that man left them as if they were nothing but some trash to him. He did nothing then why did he have to suffer. Why do others bully him for something which he never did? Why did everyone hate him?

"I-i am sorry p-please i didn't m-mean to tell-" he cried shutting his mouth when that boy slapped him really hard on his cheek.

"Just shut up you loser. Lock him in the room." Jungkook fluttered his eyes open hearing the other boy.

He tried to get up with his quivering body, shaking his head miserably with wide terrified eyes observing those boys leaving the dark store room closing the door.

His face paled, heart racing wildly under his chest as he rushed with his wobbly legs to the now closed door. His shaking hands started slamming on the door madly while wailing.

"N-no no I-I am sorry d-don't leave me h-here. I am s-scared of the d-dark please sehun I a-am sorry I s-swear I-I will never t-tell my mom a-anything please d-don't leave me here p-please open the door I b-beg you p-please." He cried out begging desperately banging the door with all of his energy.

Even after hearing his heart wrenching cries and desperate fearful begs the other boys didn't feel even a slight pity for the boy. Instead they started laughing loud like some maniacs enjoying his misery.

"You should have thought about the consequences before but now it's too late. Pray for your cheater dad to come and save your pathetic self. Let's go." Sehun scoffed and laughed along with his minions before leaving the place.

"No n-no please no d-don't leave me h-here I-I am sorry p-please open the d-door I am sorry p-please please." The poor boy kept on begging wretchedly, crying breathlessly and pitifully but no one came there to save him.

"I-I am s-sorry-- please d-don't.. I a-am scared.. p-please take me o-out-- I am s-sorry....." Jungkook whimpered, his cheeks shimmering with tears, quivering lips chanting 'sorrys' and 'don't leave me' breathlessly.

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