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"Mom relax-"

Miss Jeon stood up from the couch staring at her son with disbelief. Her blood was boiling after Jungkook told him he agreed to the kim couple to act as Taewon's mother for sometime until they find some other solution.

"Relax? Are you kidding me Kookie? After all whatever happened, they still have the audacity to come to you, that too for their own purpose. How dare they?" She snapped through her gritted teeth.

All she had was anger and unconditional hatred for the kim family. Her red face was telling everything. All was going fine these years but they had to come in their peaceful life once again and destroy everything. 

Her son was finally overcoming the past and trying to move on in his life but these kims have to ruin everything. Their son was behind her son's misery and now they want Jungkook to pretend to be their cheater son's baby's mother.

The audacity they have. 

"Mom please calm down and listen to me-" Jungkook was desperately trying to calm his mom but she was long gone in anger.

She yanked away his hand which was holding her in fury. She glared at her son whose heart was pounding fiercely in his chest.

"No I won't. I won't listen to anything. How could you do this jungkook?.. Didn't I tell you not to keep any kind of contact with them? But you still went to them... Did you forget what their cheater son did with you huh?.. No you are not meeting them ever again helping them is way far.... You call them right now at this instance and decline them." She ordered him with her raised voice who gasped.

"What.. no I can't.. i already promised them." Jungkook was fast enough to decline, adding fuel to her anger.

"I don't care, I just don't care. I am not letting you meet them again. Forget whatever you promised her. "

Jungkook shakes his head vigorously. No he can't do it, not when he saw them crying helplessly for their grandson. Not when his own heart got broken seeing them suffering. He can never see them hurt. They were just like his parents who always had loved him.

"I can't mom, when they have never turned their back on me, how can I be harsh in refusing them in their hard times?.. Mom dad.., they have always loved me like their own child way before I was in a relationship with taehyung. They never hesitated to show me the affection and warmth of the family which I had been yearning for so long... They never treated me any differently from taehyung in fact.. they loved me more than him. They did it all without asking for anything in return but now for the first time they wanted something from me and I can't refuse them... No I can't."

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