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"Good morning mom." Taehyung greeted his mom while settling his things on the table.

Mrs Kim smiled at her son from the kitchen and opened her arms wide for him to hug. He smiled softly and went into her warm embrace feeling his heart peaceful in her arms.

"Good morning taebear. Where is wonnie?" She asked seeing her son alone without her grandson.

But before taehyung could say anything they heard the pitter patter of their little one's feet and soon they saw him coming their way.

"I am hele(here) mom." Taewon chirped, hugging his dad's legs who chuckled seeing his mom's done face.

Taewon calls his grandparents mom and dad because his dada calls them that. Mrs Kim sulks when her only grandson calls her mom but inside she adores it by heart but never says it.

"Yah! How many times i have to tell you not to call me mom. I am your grandmother, call me granny." She hissed with a fake look of anger on her face.

Taewon came in front of his dada and crossed his arms over his chest glaring at his grandma who internally cooed seeing him looking so adorable.

"Nuuuuuu. My dada calls you mom then wonnie will call you mom too." He argued while taehyung was having a hard time controlling a smile blooming on his lips seeing his mom literally fuming.

"You little brat, I will not bake your favourite cupcakes." She threatened crossing her arms as well.

Taewon huffed and tugged his dad's pants silently telling him to pick him up in his arms. Taehyung did what he was told as now his mom and son were face to face with each other.

"Then wonnie won't go with mom to the palk(park)." He threatens back with a bored look adorning his face.

Mrs Kims jaw dropped hearing him. She shifted her furious gaze at her son who was very much enjoying the drama.

"Tae, see your son, he is threatening me now." She sulked pointing her index finger at herself.

She knows her son is the reason why this boy doesn't call him granny. Taehyung shook his head and turned his son slightly as the little one was facing him now.

"Wonnie." He called but Taewon was fast enough to look at him with puppy eyes while pouting his lips prominently.

"Mom stalted first." He mumbled pointing his tiny finger at Mrs kim who looked at him with disbelief.

"No you started it first you meanie cub." She complained with a huge pout.

"Nuuuu, mweanie mom did." Taewon complained back. Not a chance he was backing off now.

Taehyung sighed for the nth time witnessing the non ending fight between his mom and son. So finally he decided to come in between them.

"Aish fine stop it you both. Wonnie don't call mom meanie say sorry." He ushered him to say sorry.

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