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"Let's go wonnie." Mrs Kim sighed putting her phone back in her purse and forwarded her hand for her grandson to hold.

She frowned, swaying her hand back and forth in the air when Taewon didn't grasp it. She looked down to find her little cub but a gasp escaped her mouth when she found no one there. Her eyes widened as she hastily turned to find if the boy was behind but he was not.

"Wonnie." She called out a little loud while dragging her feet around in hurry worried eyes roaming here and there to find her grandson.

She looked everywhere around and asked many workers present around but Taewon was nowhere to be found. Her anxiety level was increasing with her heart beating out loud in terror not getting a single clue where the boy could go.

Taewon doesn't know anyone here except for Taehyung's secretary and assistant so there's no chance the boy would have gone to someone. And the only question was where the boy went?

Mrs Kim was on the verge of crying. Her eyes were already blurry from tears glistening in her eyes as she was trembling badly while searching Taewon. She was blaming herself for it.

If only she wasn't carelessly talking with her husband without giving Taewon a little attention. God knows how the little one was with whom he was. How will she tell taehyung that she lost his son because of her carelessness.

Tears started rolling down her eyes as she covered her mouth with her palm to not let out the sobs threatening to come out of it. Her anxious mind was racing with negative thoughts and it was making her miserable.

With a shaky hand she fished out her phone from her purse and tapped on taehyung's number biting her trembling lips preparing herself to tell him the truth.

She gulped and clenched the phone tightly when Taehyung picked the call. 

"T-tae w-wonnie, wonnie is m-missing....."


Bouncing in his steps, Jungkook reached the department where his friend Eunwoo works. He rolled his eyes in disbelief when he saw the other boy sleeping awkwardly on the chair, his head hanging backwards on the chair with mouth wide open.

Something mischievous came in his mind when his eyes went on the glass of water kept beside the laptop on the table. He slowly, without making much noise, took steps near the sleeping boy. He picked the glass in his hand and took it near eunwoo face, pouring it on him.

Eunwoo jolted up from his sleep abruptly standing up as he started shouting.

"I am drowning…. flood flood."  

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