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Jungkook batted his eyes rapidly trying to get rid of those unwanted blurriness of tears brimming his eyes. To add on his misery it was raining heavily.

The thunder roared terribly which made him whimper in fear as he covered his ears with palms, quivering lips letting out helpless sobs.

Yet nothing could stop his rushing feet which were nowhere near to halt knowing the reason behind his shattered wounded heart is right there running after him, calling him, begging him to stop.

A choked sob escaped his quivering lips feeling the familiar arms engulfing his shivering body from behind basking him in the longing warmth and scent.

Taehyung pulled the smaller boy closer trying to hide him in his chest. His uneven breaths and pounding heart was the only evidence to terror he felt seeing the boy running away like that. Crying miserably.

"L-let me g-go." Jungkook stuttered brokenly.

Taehyung shook his head vigorously, tightening his hold around Jungkook.


"P-please, let me g-go Taehyung." Jungkook pleaded hands weakly trying to pry away the veiny arms from his shoulders.

But Taehyung didn't let him. He won't let him go. Not this time.

"No. You are coming with me home." Taehyung muttered, jaw pressed against the shell of the boy's ear in his arms.

Hearing him, Jungkook gritted his teeth, feeling the anger rushing in his veins. How dare Taehyung stop him? What do he want now? He is no one to him.. no one. Not after what he said a moment ago.

That's when he forcefully removed Taehyung's arms from himself before turning behind facing the older with furious doe eyes blazing with anger.

"No! I-i am not going a-anywhere with you.... And why a-are you even following m-me huh? Shouldn't y-you be on the d-date right now? You will be l-late... Go.. g-go to your date, s-she must be waiting for y-you.."

His palms continued to hit Taehyung's chest who took every hit without uttering a single word. Those hits didn't hurt a bit but Jungkook's tears felt like a dagger stabbing his heart mercilessly tearing him into pieces.

Seeing him still Jungkook grabbed his collars pulling him closer, bloodshot red eyes staring deep in the glossy vulnerable ones of Taehyung's.

"Why aren't y-you going huh? I SAID GO! LEAVE ME ALONE AND FVCKING GO. G-go a-away... go to h-her,.. l-leave me p-please."

At last he broke down his hands slowly loosening their grip on Taehyung's collars in an attempt to move away but the older didn't let him.

He hugged Jungkook closer who started wiggling hard, hitting his torso to get away but at last gave up.

A tear rolled down Taehyung's eyes feeling like dying seeing his love in this miserable condition. He knows he was the reason behind it. This thought was enough to flow a gush of warm tears on his cheeks.

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