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Jin hastily opened his cabin's door, entering with impatient steps hoping Jungkook to be still inside sitting on the couch. He heaved a shaky breath when he found none there.

Jungkook was gone and he couldn't help the unsettling ugly feeling resting inside him.

The younger one wasn't in his best state. Hell he wasn't even in his right senses to begin with. He was like a soulless body sitting there after the heartbreaking past was revealed to him.

Jin never wanted to leave Jungkook alone in the first place. But due to an emergency patient he had to and now when he's back the younger wasn't here.

Jin walked back and forth, phone pressed on his ear hearing it ringing yet Jungkook wasn't answering it. It made him anxious.

'Please god keep him safe otherwise I will never forgive myself.'

Jin bit his lower lip eyes getting blurry with the worrisome tears surrounding his orbs. Nothing was coming into his mind. What would be do now? Where's Jungkook? What will he answer to Taehyung?


Taehyung. Yes, Taehyung can find Jungkook. He needs to inform him of everything.

With that Jin dialed the aformationed number waiting it to get picked by the boy and soon it got answered. 

"Tae, kookie knows everything and he's nowhere to be found."


The sore red eyes numbly stared at the empty road, the same road he left his everything four years ago. The same road he left his vulnerable broken lover without turning around once.

Taehyung.. his Taehyung, his love, his life cried miserably begging for a chance on his knees and what he did. He oh so heartlessly pushed him away and left not knowing his baby bear needed him the most at that time.


All these years he thought Taehyung betrayed him, broke his heart, ruined him not knowing it was actually him who did it with the older. He shattered Taehyung's heart, his love and trust that day. He ruined his Taehyung.

How could he?

Didn't he promise to trust him? Didn't he promise to believe in him, in his love? Then why didn't he fulfill the promises he made? Then why didn't he believe him that day, trusted him, trusted his love? 

He till today accused Taehyung for the things he never did. That man loved him, just him and what did he do? He left him without showing an ounce of trust in his love. 

Love and Trust? || Taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now