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A week later~

"Are you both done?"

Jungkook glanced at his cart which was nearly loaded. He nodded to himself before opening his mouth to answer the older.

"Yes almost... Wonnie wants kinder joy. Can I get some for him?" He asked hesitantly.

His eyes staring down at the little cub whose hand was clutching his pants as usual while sparkling big eyes were roaming around in awe.

Currently both mama son duo were out shopping in a supermarket. Jungkook needed to buy groceries for his home and wonnie being mama's whipped boy tagged along. He just loves to be with his mama.

Many things changed between the little cub's parents. They grew closer to each other after the day at the apartment. Jungkook has gotten more emotional after that day and when it gets too much he just rushes to his safe place.

Which is his Taehyung.

And Taehyung just embraces him in his protective arms wordlessly and comforts him by basking him in his warmth.  

Jungkook gulped, tightening his grasp on his phone when the deep inhale of Taehyung fell in his ear.

"You don't have to ask koo, he's yours too."

Jungkook's heart fluttered at the older's words, spreading a blissful warmth inside him. Yes, Wonnie is their baby.

"Jungkook.." Taehyung's voice brought him back from the thoughts.


"Wait for me, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Jungkook's face glowed up adorably, a big bunny smile bloomed on his lips as he bounced on his toes in excitement.

"Really!" He exclaimed, getting a low hum from the older.

"We will be waiting for you."

Both hanged up after that unknown to each other both had a bashful smile lingering on their faces.

However a frown took over Jungkook's face when he didn't find the little hand on his pants anymore. He looked ahead only to find his baby cutely running towards the end of the section.

"Baby where are you going?" He pushed the trolley dragging his feet fastly to catch up with his running toddler.

"Wonnie getting nana milk for mama." The boy answered with a huff.

Jungkook shook his head with a soft smile, yet his worried eyes were fixed on his running boy.

"Aish cub don't run baby. This boy!"

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