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"I got the job mom." The doe eyed boy squealed over the phone hopping like a bunny in the empty corridor.

A wide bunny smile was present on his face as his dazzling bunny teeth were in full display. He was jumping in joy knowing he got the job in the top most company of Korea.

He nearly shouted in happiness hearing he was selected for the job but somehow managed to not do something crazy in front of the interviewers. They explained everything to him about his work and the working hours. 

His salary according to the interviewers was low as he was new here but it will eventually increase after witnessing his skills but for him it was high as even spending more than half of it he can still have some left for the savings.

He was over the moon indeed but all the time he had a question in his mind which he was really curious to ask and that was why he got the job when most of the companies he went to didn't want him because of his lack of experience in the field.

And the answer he got warmed his heart. They told him their CEO, Mr Kim, believes in one's talents and capabilities and doesn't care if they have any experiences or not. What matters is grasp the opportunity and work diligently for it and prove yourself through your hard work.

Their CEO was also very young when he joined the company as a CEO. He was also inexperienced and had a lot to learn about the business stuff plus he had to study too. It was really hard for him to manage the company along with his studies but he never gave up and today he is one of the most successful business man in the whole country. 

Jungkook listened to everything attentively with full concentration, not missing a single thing. The proud look over the old man had while telling him about their CEO was warming his heart. He already admired the man so much and wishes to meet him.

Jieun, Jungkook's mom congratulated her son with an excited tone just like his. They talked for some time, thus later on jungkook hung up as he wanted to see his mom as soon as possible.

But before leaving he decided to meet his close friend who works here as well. Also he was the one who informed him about this job so he would thank him as well.

He made his way inside the elevator humming a sweet melody under his breath as a soft smile tugged his lips all time. The door of the elevator opened with a 'ding' sound revealing the bunny boy who exited through it and happily skips his way to a beautiful lady on the reception table.

But what he failed to notice was a small pair of almond orbs staring at him in awe and excitement.


"Dada." Taewon called his dad while running on his tiny feet to the older who instantly bends down and picks his boy in his arms.

Taehyung smiled heartily and kissed his head when he saw how Taewon was breathing heavily like if he ran the whole marathon. The little one rested his head on his dad's shoulder while a big pout captured his plump red lips and gloomy look hovering his alluring face.

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