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A eight months old pregnant girl was pacing back and forth in the living room of kim mansion, teary eyes glancing at the main door and her phone every now and then. This never happened before. Her husband, Kim Wonseok, never did something like this before.

He had never failed to inform her about his whereabouts. Maybe it might not be a big deal for anyone but for jisoo it was. Her husband always receives her calls. If he doesn't call then he would leave a text so that she won't be worried.

But today a few hours have already passed but there was no sign of her husband. It was worrying her to the core. She tried to console herself and refrain her restless mind from thinking negative things which were clenching her heart unknowingly.

Her parents were out to attend a business party. It's only her and her cub at home who was currently out to buy some berries she was craving. Now this loneliness was killing her. She was getting weak and scared alone.

Yet no matter how much she tries to be strong it wasn't happening. She needs her husband. Their baby needs him. That little one was also being restless inside her womb, maybe they could also sense their mother's distress.

Jisoo sniffed gulping down the sob which was threatening to escape her quivering mouth.

"Hush i-it's ok.. mumma is ok b-baby.. dad will be h-here soon to us, don't worry mm." She soothed caressing her baby bump with her slightly shaking hands.

She wanted to go out and look for her husband but she can't take a risk. She wasn't physically strong at the moment. And she wasn't alone either. She had her baby in her whose life would be at stake if she tried to do something impulsive.

All she could do was to stay there and wait for her husband. Another ten minutes passed and she started crying heavily in anxiousness. She just wants her husband, nothing else.

"Baby!" She sobbed harder, making grabby hands towards Taehyung after seeing him rushing to her with a worried face.

"What's wrong soo are you feeling unwell mm. Should we call the doctor?" He asked soothingly, rubbing her back and hair gently.

Jisoo hiccuped fisting his shirt with her fists tightly while hiding her face in his chest feeling safer and protected in his arms. He has always been her protector and support.

The assurity, protectiveness and strength she ever gets is from him. He was like a guardian to her despite being younger than her by four years.

"Cub seokie.. seokie is n-not answering my c-calls. He will b-be fine r-right? I am n-not feeling so good about it. P-please bring him t-to me. I want h-him." She begged within her hiccups, clenching taehyung's heart brutally.

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