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The usually lively Kim mansion for the first time was surrounded by a dreadful cold atmosphere in the morning. The mornings which used to be filled with the burst of sunshine of the house running around with his pitter patter feet, giggling, shouting and scolding his dada and grandparents. But today there was none.

A pale looking Mr and Mrs Kim stood outside their grandson's room where both the father and son duo were sleeping. The old couple's eyes were red and swollen from the excessive crying they did the whole night. Even now their eyes were misty.

While Taehyung was returning home the couple got a call from a sobbing Jungkook who told them everything that happened there. Jungkook's helpless cries clenched their hearts painfully but they were fast enough to console the boy telling him they will talk with Taehyung.

Soon Taehyung entered the house with his unconscious son in his arms and a doctor following behind him. The old couple's eyes tear up as they too didn't waste a second running behind them.

The doctor checked Taewon and assured them that it's nothing to worry as the little one will gain his consciousness soon. When the doctor left, Taehyung's parents tried to initiate a talk with their son but that went in vain. The man didn't speak a word.

But when they tried to prove Jungkook's innocence it backfired on them. Taehyung shouted at them that if they tried to defend Jungkook he would leave from there with his son and never come back.

And Taehyung does what he says. He never lies.

And that was enough to collapse their whole world. They only are living for their son and grandson and if they too left then they will die. They already lost so much that now if Taehyung is gone they don't know they could survive even for a day.

They cried that night in fear. Fear of losing their only son and grandson.

Jungkook called them numerous times but they were not in a state to even receive the call nor did they have courage to answer those desperation-filled questions.

What are they even gonna say? That Taehyung was even hating hearing his name? That he threatened them to leave them forever and never come back if they tried to defend him?

While a smol hand was softly caressing his dad's bread cheek round head comfortably resting on his dad's strong buff chest staring up at the sleeping male mindlessly, his tiny frame held by Taehyung in his protective warm embrace in a firm grip even in his sleep.

The CEO didn't sleep the whole night. Just a few moments ago his puffy eyes gave up and fell shut as they couldn't contain the heavy weight of his constant overthinking and sore heart.

Last night when Taewon gained consciousness he didn't cry nor did he say anything related to Jungkook or what happened a couple of hours ago. Instead he gave a broken weak smile to his dad which shattered taehyung's bleeding heart even more.

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