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Silence engulfed the CEO's office room which was anything but peaceful. The elder Kims stood there with a pounding heart terrified to the core. 

Taewon was staring at his dad with puppy eyes and a huge pout adorning his lips. He was also scared because he went against his dada for the first time in his life. His dada told him not to meet Jungkook again but he didn't listen and came here to meet the aforementioned. 

And he knows his dad is damn mad at him and his grandparents for coming here to jungkook. Not so late they're gonna get scolding from taehyung.

Mrs Kim was cursing her husband non stop in her mind as he couldn't even do his work properly. She even decided to divorce the man mentally and kick him out of her home for real if she and Taewon got scolded by taehyung. That Oldman has to pay for it.

While Mr Kim was in deep thoughts. He has been keeping his sharp eyes on his son from the very beginning. He even hid himself behind a transparent glass partition of the corridor knowing taehyung wouldn't be able to see him.

Obviously he was right in his mind though. Not like taehyung and his assistant saw him hiding behind the transparent glass head to toe visible to them, no no not at all. Not like taehyung motioned his assistant to not react at it and act oblivious. No, nothing like that happened.

And Mr Kim wondered how they got caught?

On the other hand, Taehyung slammed the phone on his desk after calling someone. The trio standing in front of him flinched at the loud thud. 

Mrs Kim peeked up slightly as all of them had their heads hanging down to the floor and instantly lowered her head, finding her son deadly staring at their souls. She literally felt chills down her body.

Taehyung was having a blank look over his face, almond eyes glaring at his family who were looking like just some scared puppies. 

"Didn't I tell you all to not meet him ever?" Taehyung's deep voice startled Mr and Mrs Kim.

Mr Kim took a deep breath, getting some courage to face his son. But gulped thickly after seeing taehyung's face. He shouldn't be scared of his own son for god's sake but again it's kim taehyung whose anger is no joke to them.

"Taebear, we didn't want to go against you but wonnie was crying so bad when he saw jungkook when we were coming back home from his school." Mr Kim explained tightening his grasp around Taewon who was in his arms.

While Taehyung raised his brow at that. 

"So? He is a baby, dad. He would have agreed to stay home if you both had convinced him but no, you both have to fulfill his every demand every freaking time don't you?" Taehyung hissed, raising his voice slightly. 

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