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Why? Why the hell do he even let these annoyingly adorable things come with him to the mall?

The only thing was running in Jungkook's head watching his toddler son wadding around behind his dad gathering healthy snacks for him.

Waee. He wants chips and fried chicken and ice cream.

He huffed, puffing his cheeks, lips jutting out prominently in irritation. Seriously, he was getting bored and mad.

Jungkook had been sitting in a corner from the time they arrived here in the mall because the overprotective father and son duo strictly prohibited him from going anywhere.

The moment taewon got to know that his mama was sick he scolded him like there's no tomorrow. The younger's jaw dropped throughout the time as the little one warned him of not giving any kisses and huggies.

That was really mean of him. Hmph.

And Jungkook's baby's dada was stuck to his side from the second he woke up. Taehyung was just staying closer, keeping a close eye on him. It was him who requested to tag along to help the younger in shopping.

Jungkook, being a sucker for his attention and care, agreed immediately. Now he regrets it. How can he forget Taehyung is the hella possessive and overly overprotective when it comes to him.

Him, yeah him. Taehyung still cares for him. And he can't help but to fall for Taehyung over and over again.

Those worry filled soft pair of eyes glancing at him after every two minutes were just fluttering his heart. How he wish to just go grab the older by his collar and kiss him then and there.

"Mama see.. choco ice cweam." Taewon exclaimed excitedly with a big boxy smile.

He was running Jungkook's way, his smol hands securely holding the medium sized ice cream bucket.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled seeing the ice cream. He was craving ice cream really bad. Knowing Taehyung, he won't let him have it.

Jungkook roamed his eyes behind taewon to see if Taehyung was there. He clasped his hands bouncing on his seat a little when he didn't find Taehyung anywhere near.

Taewon will never refuse his mama. His baby will definitely feed him some ice cream.

"Mama help pwease." Taewon pouted, wanting to sit on the bench beside his mama.

The younger cooed at his adorable face before hosting him up by his arms and settling him beside himself. Taewon kissed his cheeks shyly mumbling a thank you causing him to giggle at his endearing self.

The baby cub gets shy whenever he gives or receives kisses from Jungkook. And the aforementioned adored it wholeheartedly.

Jungkook stared at the little one expectantly, eyes extra shining in hope that taewon would look at him. His lips molded into a pout seeing the boy focusing on stuffing his little mouth eagerly not sparing him a glance.

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