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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・

The golden rays peeked through the windows falling on the beautiful sleeping male disturbing his slumber. Stirring up he whined in jiffy of a second getting restless in search of familiar warmth.


Jungkook frowned, eyes still closed as he roamed his hands to find Taehyung. He stood up abruptly, finding the side empty, but regretted instantly as a sharp pain shot down his bottom area causing him to fall back on his previous position.

He took some deep breaths to calm himself down. When the pain was bearable he slid his feet down and wore his slippers limping his way to the bathroom.

Good thing they took a warm bath after their intense love making session. Taehyung cleaned him thoroughly and gently, donning his body in a fluffy sweater and shorts. He slept peacefully during the whole process though.

The bathroom was empty which indicates Taehyung was downstairs. Nodding sleepily, Jungkook lazily did his morning routine. Once he was done brushing his teeth he skipped his way downstairs with a big sulky pout adorning his lips.

He was mad at his tiger who dared to leave him alone on the bed. How dare he leave him alone? Jungkook surely gonna scold him badly. Hmph.

However when he reached the kitchen he found it empty as well. Unconsciously he gulped the lumps forming in his throat, an uneasy feeling slowly started bubbling in his chest.

"Taetae!" He shouted, sprinting towards the living room.

His heart literally dropped when Taehyung wasn't there as well. But he was fast to compose himself. Maybe Taehyung went out to get something.

Consoling himself he dashed back to his room forgetting about the pain he was in. He rushed to the side table where his phone was laying. Grabbing the phone he dialed taehyung's number but to his dismay the aforementioned didn't pick up no matter how many times he dialed the number.

During it a sticky note pasted by Taehyung on his phone fell down and went under the bed which he failed to acknowledge due to his panicked state.

The phone slipped from Jungkook's hand, his eyes numbly stared at the wall before him. Did Taehyung leave him? No, his Taehyung won't leave him. He will never.

Jungkook shook his head vigorously, his nose turning red by sniffing continuously, batting his eyelashes to prevent the unshed tears from escaping his eyes.

He collected his remaining strength by pushing his feet forward and leaving the room once again. He reached the main door, opening it and staring outside at the road with hope and desperation filled eyes.

Seconds turned into minutes and now it's been fifteen minutes he was standing at the same spot numbly watching the empty road.

Yet there was no sign of Taehyung.

Love and Trust? || Taekook ||Where stories live. Discover now