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He shut his bambi eyes tightly as his heart started pounding fiercely in his chest. He literally forgot to breathe thinking he was about to fall on the hard cold floor.

But nothing like that happened. Rather he was in Taehyung's protective arms who was holding him against his strong buff chest, veiny arms wrapped around his waist and upper back. The younger's soft hands clutched Taehyung's t-shirt in a deadly hold if his life depended on it.

He abruptly opened his eyes wide when his back didn't meet with the cold floor, instead he was in a familiar warm embrace which his desperate heart was longing for badly. 

For the first time after four years Jungkook looked at Taehyung from this close. Taehyung has become more handsome over these years. His doe eyes seem to drown deep in those almond orbs. His mind, even his heart, was not in his control. They were long lost in taehyung.

Or maybe they were never his in the first place because they had always been taehyung and taehyung's only.

He parted his cherry lips slightly, taking the long forgotten breath. He slowly blinked his dazed eyes and suddenly his eyes widened when the realization strikes him like a thunderstorm that he was in Taehyung's arms.

And the very next moment Taehyung found himself gripping the table to prevent his body from falling from the force Jungkook gave him while pushing him.

"What the hell! How dare you touch me huh?" Jungkook snapped, doe eyes blazing fire in them while glaring at the older who stood there motionless with a blank face.

"I didn't touch you intentionally ok. You were about to fall and-" Taehyung tried to explain calmly but the younger one was not in right mind to hear any fake excuses.

Yes, excuses. Now he understood why taehyung called him here. Taehyung just wanted to take advantage. If he is helping them while pretending to be Taewon's mom that doesn't mean he will accept Taehyung back in his life too. No, not after this cheap trick he used today.

"So? What would have happened at the most, I would have fallen and got hurt, that's it. You didn't have to touch me. Ohh now I got it, this is why you call me here." He accused cutting Taehyung in between.

Taehyung clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white. His jaw was tense. He was literally fuming inside. Jungkook was accusing him of something he never did. He just saved him from falling. But it seems like he committed a big crime by touching Jungkook.

He refused to sign the file because it's Jungkook's work, not his mom's. Jungkook came here so he should be responsible for getting it checked from him. But no he sent his mom here in his place. This wasn't a very professional act of Jungkook's. 

Jungkook works under him. He should be aware of it. He should keep personal and professional life apart. But who's gonna tell jungkook this. Maybe the younger one doesn't think this way. That's why he forgot where he was and to whom he was talking with.

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