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"What? No no.. NO! It can't be! It's a lie right? You are lying right? I know it's a lie. I don't believe you." Taehyung roared.

Red blazing eyes accusingly glaring at the sobbing Miss Jeon, who had her head lower in shame and guilt. Why was she lying about such a thing?

Taehyung knows it's a lie. He knows it's a fúçking lie. He won't believe it. His heart won't believe it. No way he lost their first baby. She's just taking revenge from him for making Jungkook cry. Yeah she's only lying.

"I am sorry."

Just a mere whisper and Taehyung's heart stopped for a moment. He forgot to take a breath, face lost all of its color.

Why was she apologizing? Wasn't this supposed to be a joke? Then why wasn't she meeting his eyes? Why the hell was she crying so bad? Why she seemed guilty?

Did they really lose their baby- NO! It can't be. It fúçking can't. He can't lose his baby. He can't lose it. How can he? When he didn't even feel its presence for once? When the baby couldn't feel his warmth for once?

"It's not true right? Please say it's not true?" He pleaded voice shaking terribly while he uttered those words.

He squeezed his dreary eyes shut, hot tears sliding down his closed eyes after he watched her crying harder than before shaking her head.

His knees weakened as he fell on the floor with a loud thud. His chest whizzed for air, he started panting hard, panicking Miss Jeon in the process.

She rushed to him, stroking his back rapidly, getting concerned seeing him struggling for a breath.

While Taehyung sat there numbly, moist eyes stilled on the floor as his blank mind processed everything slowly.

They really lost their baby.

His chest clenched brutally forcing him to place his hand above it. He felt suffocated as if someone was choking him to death. He wants to scream, to cry out loud but the vulnerable state he was in made him paralyzed to even breath properly.

He turned to look at Miss Jeon, bloody red eyes beholding no emotion in them.

"W-why, why.. WHY? Why didn't y-you inform me a-about the m-miscarriage? Why didn't y-you call me o-once? My koo was suffering. He was carrying our b-baby.. he was going t-through so much and you didn't e-even let me meet h-him. Didn't I b-beg you to let me m-meet him? Then w-why?" He asked with a raised voice, putting his palms on his eyes, wiping them harshly.

"I was scared to lose my child Taehyung!" She wept for the first time she dared to look at him in the eyes.

Taehyung chuckled bitterly hearing her. Scared to lose Jungkook because of him? He didn't do anything first of all.

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