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Jungkook entered inside Taehyung's cabin after getting permission from the aforementioned. However the CEO being indulge in his work paid no attention thinking one of his employees might be there for some work.

His moon never knock or ask for permission he just barg inside his cabin as if he owns the place. Which turns out to be true. Not only the cabin but the owner belongs to him and him only.

If only he had taken a glance at the younger he could have seen the most adorable bunny like hooman staring at him with his precious doe eyes and pretty blush tinted on his squishy cheeks.

"Can you sign the file Mr Kim?"

Taehyung ceased his work and looked up surprised when the familiar angelic voice fell into his ears. Their eyes met for a brief moment until Jungkook averted them shyly.

A fond smile bloomed on Taehyung's lips, eyes adorning his endearing moon fidgetting with his clothes while biting his lips in sheer shyness.

"Bring it here, sweetheart."

Jungkook obeyed taking baby steps to his man with an evident limp in his walk. Taehyung slightly pushed his chair back, parting his legs, dark orbs fixed at his blushy bunny.

Wordlessly, Jungkook settled on the older's thigh burying his face in his crook of neck, taking in the musky scent humming in satisfaction.

Wordlessly, Jungkook settled on the older's thigh burying his face in his crook of neck, taking in the musky scent humming in satisfaction

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Taehyung wrapped his arms around his baby's waist and placed a smooch on his head.

"Me missed you, sho much." Jungkook whined, giving a soft touch of his puckered lips on his man's neck. On the lovebite he engraved last night.

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