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Placing the glass back on its previous spot Jungkook wiped the tears off his cheeks, with the help of his sweater paws. He wanted nothing but to run behind Taehyung and hug him tightly closer to his heart.

But Taehyung doesn't want him. Neither he had any yearn for his warmth nor the longing to be in his arms.

Only if he knew how Taehyung was dying to be held once, to get assured to feel the homely warmth which he finds in his arms only. But time had made him cold and emotionless. Where he finds it easy to consume all the pain in himself rather than letting it out of himself and have anyone witness him in his lowest.

Jungkook turned, making his way to sit by Taewon's side but something caught his eyes. More like the pictures of him and Taehyung.

His breath hitched seeing the whole room filled with their pictures the same way they used to be. Nothing has changed, not even a bit in the room.

The only thing changed was they weren't together anymore.

The starry doe eyes roamed around capturing each heartwarming yet heart aching memories of theirs which his heart longs for desperately.

How strange just by staring at their pictures he felt himself getting engulfed by a warm hug. It didn't take him even a second and he was long drowned into the past.

An unconscious fond smile makes its way to his lips, eyes welled up with tears as the memories sweep him back to the time.

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