𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 || 𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐢

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today was you and your boyfriend eagen's four year anniversary. all he told you was to pack enough clothes to last a week and the rest was a suprise. you were excited, no one planned suprises better than he did.

when you arrived at the airport, he made sure you couldn't see any of the boarding passes or signs that revealed where you were going. he told you you'd find out once you were seated and had boarded.

as soon as you sat down, you began, "okay, please tell me where we're going now."

"you'll see soon enough, i promise" he says. just like clockwork, the intercom overhead begins.

"welcome everybody, this is your non-stop flight from john f. kennedy airport to paris, france. our approximate arrival time is 5:49 pm. fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your flight!" the flight attendant finishes.

you whip your head around, and just a little louder than you should, you say "we're going to paris??"

"you've always wanted to go, so i thought this would be a good time." he says, smiling at you.

you lean over the armrest and plant a kiss onto his lips.

on the flight there, you kept glancing at the flight tracker. you were so excited.

when the plane touched down on the runway, eagen reached into the overhead compartment and grabbed your luggage for you. "you don't have to do that-" you started. "it's our anniversary, it's an obligation." he joked back.

when you stepped off the plane, you were immeadiately greeted with a burst of cold air. you uninvoluntary started to shiver.

eagen threw off his leather jacket, leaving him in only a t shirt, wrapped tightly around his biceps, and put it over your shoulders.

"i wanna give you your jacket back because i feel bad, but damn does that shirt look good on you."

he laughed at your comment and moved inside to the airport.

after grabbing your luggage and getting yourself a cab, you finally pull up to the airbnb.

"i know you did not plan this all yourself." you said, taking in the view.

"i did." he said. a smile covered his face, it was obvious he was proud of himself.

it was a beautiful airbnb, the front out looking quiet paris streets lined with street lamps. the balcony had a perfect view of the effiel tower and the city streets below.

"it's so beautiful." you say, taking in the view one more time before unlocking the door.

the inside was decorated with fake plants and soft decor. it was very cozy inside, a yellow light shining from the lamp in the corner.

"go and put your stuff down in our room and change, i have a reservation for us in 15 minutes down the street." eagen said, patiently going to wait by the front door on a chair.

you put your luggage away as he said, and changed into one of the nicer outfits you had broughten.

you walk out into the living room where eagen was waiting, and do a little spin for him.

"you look beautiful, as always." he says, crossing his arms, leaning back, and admiring you.

"thank you." you say smiling, walking over to kiss him.

"cmon now, we gotta go or we'll be late for the reservation." he says, slightly hurrying you.

"i'm going, i'm going." you say, giggling.

you walk down the city streets, the sun had began to set. the sky was colored with an array of beautiful pinks, oranges, and blues.

"look how pretty." you say, turning around to tap on eagen.

when you turn around, you're greeted with a beautiful view of the effiel tower, and your boyfriend down on one knee.

"y/n, you know i'm not usually good at this sort of thing, but i can't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else. will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" he asks, choking up over a few words.

your hands fly up to cover your mouth and your growing smile. a few happy tears slip from your eyes.

"yes! oh my god, yes!" you say. he stands up and lifts you into his arms, kissing you passionately.

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