𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 || 𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐢

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   if you were being honest, you never wanted to come back from jamaica. you'd grown up in new york, doing practically whatever it took to survive. sure, that meant bending the rules a little bit.

flight 828 was one of the best and worst things to ever happen to you. you deeply considered never coming back on april 7th, 2013. over the 5 and a half years after that flight, you realized you boarded that plane for a reason and that every single thing that was happening, was happening for a reason.

you met one of the reasons on that flight that day.

"33C..." you mumbled, looking at your ticket and then up and down the isles.

you spotted a man, dark hair and some facial hair. he was on the shorter side to say the least. he was looking down at a little book, a pencil between his lips as he chewed on the eraser.

crossword puzzle. of course. "erm- excuse me." you say, trying to move in front of the man to get in the seat next to him. he moved his legs out of your way as you sat down next to him.

you peeked over the man's shoulder, looking at the puzzle in his lap. he was stuck on 'messenger of god', 21, across. you couldn't help but answer the question for him.

"the answer's angelina." you say to the man before opening up your phone to send a few work emails and turn on airplane mode. the man lets out a light chuckle next to you.

"what would your name be?" he asks, taking the eraser out of his mouth and looking over to you. you gave him a gentle smile, "it's y/n."

"pretty name." he mumbles, still loud enough for you to hear. you smile to yourself. "what's yours, crosswords?"

"eagan." he replies. he looks up at your eyes before looking back down at his puzzle.

before you could ask him anymore questions, the flight attendant comes over the speaker, instructing the passengers to turn on airplane mode and fasten their seatbelts.

"prepare for takeoff ladies and gentlemen. i'll see all of you in new york!" she says, enthusiastically.

you roll your eyes to yourself, not realizing the man next to you was paying any attention. you heard a light laugh leave his mouth and when you turn to face him, he was already looking at you.

"not ready to go home, huh?" he asks. you nod your head. "not really, there's nothing worth going home to." you shrug.

"sounds like we're living the same life." he says, watching as the plane lights dim for the nighttime flight.

"are you from new york originally?" you ask, weirdly taking an intrest in the man sitting beside you.

"uh, sort of? i've been here as long as i can remember, wasn't born here though." he replies, laying his head back against the headrest.

"yeah, same here. those streets are all i've ever known though." you say, recalling all the memories of growing up on your own. you did what you practically had to, anything to get by. some of that may or may not have included some shoplifting, some fraud here and there.

the rest of the flight went on like that, all the way to touchdown in stuart airport, where your flight had been diverted.

as the plane landed, you heard a round of claps around you, causing you and eagan to both laugh.

as you looked out the window, you saw flashing red and blue lights coming from all different law enforcement vehicles on the tarmac.

"they don't uh- usually do this do they?" you ask, tapping eagan on the shoulder and pointing out the flight windows. quickly after, a black suv pulled right up, a man in a suit getting off of it quickly.

the passengers were all let out straight onto the landing strip, surrounded in a crowd facing the plane. you followed eagan out, not having anyone else to stick to.

the same man you saw exit the suv gathered in front of the ground. a blonde woman to your right shouted out, demanding for answers as there were sick people here.

"the problem, ladies and gentlemen, is your plane departed montego bay, jamaica, on april 7, 2013. today is november 4, 2018. you've all been missing, presumed dead, for five and a half years."

the ground errupts into a scene or horror and gasps. that was including you, who nearly fell over before eagan grabbed you by the waist and held you up. how is that possible? this had to have been some practical joke. 5 and a half years, just passed in the blink of an eye?

"there's no way." you mumble. you were in shock, disbelief. there were no other words to describe it, and even those weren't strong enough to summarize what you were feeling in that moment.

soon, a man in uniform pushed his way through the crowd. he had a pair of silver handcuffs in his hand, and he walked right up to you. you had assumed it was for another passenger standing near you, but you were proven wrong very quickly.

"are you y/n l/n?" the officer asks. "yes, that would be me." you say, still holding a hand to your chest as you tried to catch your breath. eagan's hand dropped from your waist as the officer spoke.

"you're under arrest on 3 counts of petty larceny and 2 counts of fraud." the man says, grabbing your wrists aggressively and clicking the cuffs into place.

whoever was watching from above definitely had a personal vendetta against you, you thought, scoffing to yourself as you were dragged away from the airport.

𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now