𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 : 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬

845 25 51


- she gets very stone faced, no expression sort of look to her
- she crosses her arms and keeps her mouth shut, not wanting to say anything you wouldn't want her to
- "oh! look, ben's calling. i really think we should be on our way, nice meeting you, what's your face!"
- "oh come on mick, was ben even calling?" you say, trying to hold back a smile. you sort of loved the fact that she was jealous over other people because of you
- "of course he was, he's needy, you know this." she says, laughing herself.


- he'll hold onto your hand, silently trying to give you gentle pulls to drag you away from the person
- "one second please" you whisper, listening back to the conversation.
- he waits, staring down at the ground, having no intrest in your conversation
- when you finally finish talking, he drags you away quickly and gives you a sweet kiss
- "i love you." he whispers, smiling over at you.
- the rest of the day he treats you like royalty


- he'll very well make it known that your his, no one else's
- "mm, i think we're late for our dinner reservation babe, you ready to head out?" he announces louder than he had to. he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side
- you gave up at that point and just smiled and laughed, agreeing and walking out the front door with him
- "you really need to work on that jealousy, you know?" you say, smiling in disbelief.
- "what jealousy?" he sarcastically replies, smirking back as he gave you a quick peck on the lips.


- he gives the most aggressive stare
- if you were the one he was staring at, you'd be terrified out of your mind
- he casually whispers things in your ear every few minutes, causing you to giggle and annoy the person in front of you
- as soon as he pulls you away from the conversation, he makes sure to press multiple kisses to your lips and a few to your neck
- "zeke, i'm not going anywhere, don't worry." you say, chuckling.
- "just in case, yknow?" he replies, smiling as he gave you one last kiss.


- he starts to get anxious, worried you'd ever leave him. the overthinking is at his strongest when he's jealous
- "y/n, i really think mick is waiting for us, don't you think?" he says, tugging on your arm.
- "alright, alright. it was nice meeting you!" you say as cal drags you away, pulling you into the car with him.
- "mm, i smell jealousy." you say, laughing. you'd never seen him get jealous before, at least not to your knowledge.
- "can you blame me? you're gorgeous. any guy would dream of having you." he says, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.


- he gets extremely touchy when he's jealous, something he wouldn't normally do
- he wraps his arms around your waist from behind you, putting a head on your shoulder as you continue talking
- he starts to try and distract you by whispering things in your ear, placing gentle kisses on your neck and behind your ear
- once you finally pull away from the conversation, he walks out still holding you in his arms, proudly showing everyone his beautiful partner
- "someone jealous?" you ask, enjoying this sudden physical affection and leaning into his arms as you walk towards the car.
- "me? never." he replies, chuckling.
- you lean your head against his shoulder all the way back to the car, enjoying this once in a lifetime moment where you don't hear his complaints about it.

TJ :

- he tries to drive the conversation away from you and tries to talk to them instead, taking the focus off of you, keeping you all to himself
- he'll wrap an arm around your shoulder and ask you if you could go grab him a drink. anything to get you away from the person flirting with you
- eventually, he ends the conversation saying the two of you need to head out, and you tease him for his antics on the way out
- "i can't believe you did that!" you say, giggling.
- "anything to protect my girl." he says, giving you a playful shove.


- her mood switches so fast, you can tell almost immediately
- no one wants to deal with olive when she's in a bad mood, so you pull yourself out of the conversation quickly and give her your undivided attention
- "remember that i love you, alright? only you, ol." you say, giving her a few sweet and simple kisses, causing her mood to brighten up and a smile to form across her face.


- she suddenly gets really quiet, exiting the conversation completely
- she'll try to distract herself with something, anything
- she starts off by staring out the window, looking at everything passing by and the beautiful sky
- after a while, she pulls out her phone and plays games until you finally wrap up the conversation
- she doesn't mention it again afterwards, deciding to keep her emotions to herself. she didn't want you to get upset at her for being jealous over some random person flirting with you, it was easier for her to avoid it all around.

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