𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 : 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦

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- after months and months of convincing, micheala finally agreed to apply to some adoption agencies with you
- aside from the fact that both of you were on 828, you were the perfect candidates. mick was a former cop, you had the perfect background
- one morning, the agency sent over a little girl that they thought you would be a perfect fit for
- the second the two of you saw her, and the newborn's name, you knew it was perfect
- evie beverly stone. you swore micheala nearly broke down when she saw the babies first and middle name.


- the two of you had been trying for a baby for months
- with 828, it had never been the right time. you didn't want to bring a baby into the world when everyone around you had all sorts of things going on, callings, death date, and all
- the day you finally found out, you couldn't have been happier
- "ben! come here!" you called, a hand over your mouth as some happy tears made their way down your cheeks
- you slipped the test into his hands and were immeadiately pulled into a tight hug
- "we're having a baby!"
- the day she was born, you already knew she'd be stubborn as hell. like father like daughter, you thought. she had his beautiful blonde hair. she shared the same eyes as you.
- she grew up learning so much from olive, becoming a beautiful independent young woman just like her.


- for years, jared dreamed of becoming a father
- he came from a big family, you'd always seen how amazing he was with children
- unfortunately, you weren't the luckiest when it came to trying to conceive
- the two of you eventually decided the best option for you would be surrogacy
- when you jumped into this process, you had no idea who would be your surrogate. you had assumed you'd find someone to hire that the two of you trusted and go from there
- you got the shock of a lifetime when you found out drea offered to be the surrogate of your child
- "i love you guys, i wouldn't be happier than to do this for you."


- the two of you loved the idea of having kids together, but didn't exactly have a timeline
- zeke was always the kind of person that said everything happens for a reason, so if it was meant to be, it was meant to be
- the day you found out you were pregnant was undoubtedly one of the happiest days of your life
- you immediately burst into tears. you were having a baby with your husband, the absolute love and light of your life.
- "zeke!" you yelled down the staircase, the test tucked into the pocket of your jeans.
- "what's up?" he asks, coming up the stairs with a cup of coffee in his hands.
- "head's up." you say, tossing the test towards him. he catches it in his open hand and the second he realizes what it is, you swear you could see his entire life change before him.
- "we're- we're having a baby?" he choked out, a few tears welling in the bottom of his eyes.
- "we're gonna be parents, zeke." you say happily, pressing a kiss to his lips.
- zeke raised that baby girl the best he could. he gave it his absolute all. she grew up with one of the kindest hearts, one of the most emphatic people you knew aside from zeke. she also learned to be an amazing cook, even from a very early age.


- he'd always dreamed of having a family of his own with you. i mean, who wouldn't if you grew up with the stones?
- he knew no matter what, he'd have the most supporting family by his side
- months of trying always seemed to end in failure, and the two of you began looking into other options
- one morning at breakfast, micheala threw out the idea of trying IVF to try and start a family
- the process was expensive, you couldn't lie. the entire stone family, including some friends began to chip in and all help pay for it together. they wanted nothing more than to see the two of you bring new life into the world
- the two of you waited on the test results, and practically broke down in happy tears when it came back positive
- "we're having a baby, cal! we're gonna be parents!" you squealed, hugging him tight.
- the baby grew up stubborn as hell, just like her father. you saw so much of him in her, but so much of yourself as well.


( he will have a full oneshot on this because i love the idea for him so much )

- the pregnancy wasn't exactly planned.
- neither of you were against having children though, the option was always on the table.
- you woke up one morning, feeling sick as ever, and running to the bathroom.
- you had a nagging feeling in your stomach to take a pregnancy test. you had no clue why, but you knew to trust your gut.
- two red lines. within five minutes, your entire life and future had changed.
- read his chapter "positive changes" for the full story :)

TJ :

- the night of zeke and micheala's wedding, you were practically throwing up every hour or so. olive followed you to the bathroom each time, holding your hair back for you, before the two of you returning to the party
- that night when you and tj got home, you had a calling. you saw a pregnancy test sitting on the counter. fear struck through you. the calling came so fast you couldn't even read the results on the test.
- you knew you immeadiately had to go take a test, connecting it with the sickness from earlier on in the night.
- there it was, a positive test. you wouldn't have connected the dots for at least another two weeks had it not been for the calling. flight 828, the gift that keeps on giving as micheala would say.
- you tucked the test into the pocket of your hoodie, a nervous look over your face as you went to tell tj. the two of you had been discussing the possibility of him going to egypt to find out more on the callings and al-zura's and all of it.
- you walked into your shared bedroom, sitting down on the bed next to him with your legs crossed. he picked up on the nervous look on your face.
- "is everything okay?" he asked, reaching for one of your hands. you nodded, slipping the pink and white stick into his palm.
- "oh my god." he muttered. you were nervous he didn't want to be a dad just yet, or maybe ever. the fear quickly faded as he broke out into the widest smile you've ever seen on him.
- "i'm gonna be a dad!" he says, pulling you into his arms.


- she had always dreamed of adopting twin girls, ever since she was little. she never fantasized the idea of being pregnant. the morning sickness, weight gain, mood swings, all of it just scared the idea out of her.
- the day a passenger gave birth to two little girls and left them on the stone family's doorstep, you and olive knew it was fate.
- "we've been waiting our whole lives for this, and they just end up on our doorstep? try and tell me you don't believe in destiny."
- that became the babies names. destiny and jade, the symbol's of luck and the hidden power of fate.
- the kids did grow up having callings, but of course with the help of their brilliant mother, the one and only olive stone, practically the queen of solving them.
- they grew up gathering so many of your personality traits, you and olive couldn't have been happier.


- the two of you had always loved the idea of having a kid running around, keeping the two of you in check of course
- the two of you began starting rounds of IVF, and with saanvi's particular scientific knowledge and routines, you were successful pretty quickly.
- the baby was born a healthy, beautiful little boy.
- as he grew up, he developed so much of swan i'd intelligence, and your sarcasm of course.
- he grew up having the stones as a second family, being able to go to them for practically anything.
- the two of you couldn't have asked for better people to raise this kid alongside of.

𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now