𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 || 𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐡𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐢

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no one truly explains how love works or what it is. you only find out once you've truly fallen. this was the story of your love.

this love is good.


your favorite song was blaring over the radio. the kitchen was mostly dark, the only thing lighting the space was a dim yellow overhead light. the smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies filled the air as they baked in the oven.

"it smells amazing already. where'd you learn to cook like this?" eagan asks, leaning his back against the kitchen counter.

you walk and stand in front of him. he wraps two arms around your waist and pulls you a bit closer to him. "my sister and i baked all the time growing up." you smile.

"you two must've been great cooks." he compliments you. you let out a big smile. you always loved when he complimented you. he didn't do it often, so it was all the more meaningful.

the timer started beeping, telling you the cookies were ready. you pulled on a grey oven mitt, pulling the cookies out of the oven and resting them on top of the stove to cool. you were pulled back to eagan a few seconds later by your wrist, back into his hold and his touch.

"i love you." he whispers. someone was feeling extra sentimental tonight. "i love you too." you whisper, pulling him into a soft kiss. all in the middle of the night in the comfort of your cozy kitchen.


this love is bad.


"eagan! i can't fucking do it! all the sneaking around, lying, con-artist shit! what aren't you telling me?" you screamed, throwing your purse onto the kitchen counter.

"that's the thing! i'm not fucking sneaking around, y/n! why do you always assume the worst of me?" he yells back. you were sure you'd woken all the neighbors by now.

"oh really? who the fuck is cheryl?" you ask, grabbing his phone and showing the messages. "are you cheating on me?" you screamed. you hated the feeling that was falling over your body. after everything the two of you had been through, he finds another girl?

his heart sank. did you really think he could even be capable of that?

"what..? i would never do that to you." his voice lowered from the yelling into his regular tone. he came over and wrapped two arms around you as tears fell from your eyes. you reluctantly hugged him back, letting the tears fall onto the sleeves of his jacket.

why was loving him so difficult?


this love is alive, back from the dead.


the plane was back. it was finally back. the second you heard the news, your entire world lit up again. you finally saw color again after seeing the world in black in white for over half a decade. your world had shattered on april 7th, 2013. now here you were, having the pieces put back together in front of your eyes.

you raced to the hangar. you glanced around, watching all these passengers you'd seen in magazines and newspapers over the years finally reuniting with their families. you looked around for the short ravenette. that's when you saw him.

you ran as fast as you could, jumping into his arms and almost knocking him over. it took him a second to adjust, but you felt his arms wrap around under you. you felt the sigh of relief come off of him, all of his worries drifting away.

"i- i missed you. so much." you cried, pulling your face back and pressing a kiss to his lips. he chuckled. "you really couldn't do any better than me in those five years?" you playfully swatted his shoulder, pulling him back to you.

he was finally back.


this love came back to me.


as soon as the two of you left the hangar, you drove to the ice cream shop the two of you used to be usual's at. the same staff still worked there, recognizing him when he walked in.

the two of you walked up to the counter. you didn't even have to glance at the case of flavors. "i'll have a small green tea ice cream please." eagan scoffed. "your order hasn't even changed." you turned to him, an astonished look falling across your face. "you really think i'd change my order?" he held in hands up in self-defense. "alright, alright. i'll have a small coffee." he says to the cashier, passing over a 10 dollar bill.

the two of you sat down at the same table you used to. it may have been only two weeks for him, but all the memories and the happiness was flooding back to you. the shock still hadn't worn off. he was really sitting in front of you.

"i think mine smells a little weird, what do you think?" you leaned forward to smell it, but was greeted by a spoonful of ice cream to the nose. you scoff and laugh, pulling a napkin out of the dispenser and wiping down your nose.

"you still got some. right there." he says, leaning forward and using his thumb to get the remaining ice cream off of your face.

it was perfect. just as it should've been all these years.


no one ever said love would be easy. in fact, it was one of the greatest challenges you'd ever faced. that doesn't mean that every single second of it wasn't worth it, because it was. and you would do it a thousand times over if you had to.

all for him.

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