𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 : 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐬

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- she planned it weeks in advance, she wanted it to be perfect
- she went to ben for advice during that time, asking him what she should and shouldn't do
- she eventually settled on making sure the entire stone family was around, knowing how important they were to you
- it was a late night after an incredible meal that grace had cooked up for everyone, and you were playing head's up in the living room with olive and cal.
- "no! the band! early 2000's, erm- rock! come on, you should know this!"
- "paramore? linkin park? green day?" olive asked. "no! come on!" you say, starting to laugh.
- "oh! oh! matchbox twenty!" olive answers. you give her a thumbs up as she flips the phone down, one second on the clock left to spare.
- micheala smiled as she saw you with the kids. once the round was finished, she decided now was the moment.
- "uh, guys." she called, clinking a fork against her glass of champagne. everyone turned to look over at her. "i have something i want to say, specifically for you, y/n."
- she came over and sat down next to you, slipping out a beautiful ring, cut out of white sapphire.
- "i was wondering if you would marry me?" she asks, holding the velvet box displaying the ring in the palms of her hands.
- "of course! of course i will, micheala!" you reply, wrapping two arms around her head and placing a kiss to her lips.
- ben and grace begin to clap as the kids let out cheers. zeke and jared both whistle for the two of you.
- it was perfect, just as mick had planned.


- one of the most heartfelt proposals you could've imagined.
- and what a better way to do that than to take you back to where it all began?
- right back in the heart of central park.
- you'd met ben through flight 828, but two callings brought you together, causing you to walk literally right into each other.
- there was a small candlelit path, leading to the top of the hill. the hill that was famous for it's beautiful view of the water nearby.
- "ben- ben. you can't be serious!" you say, nerves taking over out of excitement.
- "y/n, ever since the day i bumped into you here, i've felt something different about you than i've felt with anyone else. what i'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" he asks, getting down on one knee.
- a few happy tears slip from your eyes as you nodded your head yes and held out your hand. he slipped the diamond ring over your left hand and picked you up and spun you around.
- "my future wife." he mumbled, smiling as he pressed a kiss to your lips.


- what's more romantic and sentimental than the front porch of your childhood home?
- the two of you had just finished dinner with your parents, and the four of you were now sitting outside on the porch, talking about all sorts of your childhood memories, some of which included jared. the two of you were highschool sweethearts
- he waited for the perfect time to come, a beautiful view of the sunset looking into your porch. he stood up from the swing and reached into his pocket, pulling out a plum-colored velvet box.
- you gasped, your voice shaking with happiness.
- "y/n, i think you should know by know that i've been in love with you since our sophmore year. so i'm asking you right here on this porch, the same porch i asked you to three different homecomings, as well as prom on, and the porch we've shared so many amazing memories together, if you will make me the happiest man alive and be my wife, finally?"
- you looked at both of your parents, who were both smiling bright as ever. you looked back at jared and the beautiful diamond ring.
- "yes! of course i'll marry you!"


- the two of you had slowly fallen in love since the day cal connected the two of you. the day he came out of the cave.
- he moved in with you, having nowhere else to go. the two of you became fast lovers.
- he was more protective over you than anyone else you'd ever met. you meant the world to him, as he did to you.
- the day he proposed was one of the happiest days of your life.
- that day specifically, you and him, along with the stone's had gone out on a beautiful hike on one of new york's trails. olive had taken you to get your nails done, and told you to dress nicely for some "pictures"
- the stone family seperated from you for a bit, zeke taking you to a more secluded spot on your own (what you didn't know was that they were all hiding, waiting for him to pop the question)
- you looked out over the beautiful views of the mountains, the acres of trees and wildlife below you. you turned around to see zeke and point out all the wonderful things you were seeing, but you were greeted by him down on one knee, a ring in hand.
- "y/n, from the very first day i met you, it was clear there was a connection between us. a connection stronger than i'll ever be able to explain. falling in love with you the past year has been one of the best things i could've ever asked for. will you marry me?"
- you'd been waiting for this day for a while. you'd fantasied about it growing up, wondering what it would finally be like, who it'd be with.
- none of those fantasies could've imagined a guy as great as zeke
- "are you serious? of course i'll marry you!" you say, jumping into his arms and slipping the ring
onto your left hand.


- being the sweetheart he is, he'd had it all planned out for a while. waiting for the perfect moment was the hard part.
- grace had always told him to find the one. the perfect one. he didn't exactly know what she meant, but the second he met you, it all made sense.
- that night, the two of you were at the lake. anytime the two of you had wanted to get away, or just have some time to yourselves, you'd head straight for the lakes.
- you were sitting next to him, resting a head on his shoulder as you looked out on the peaceful waters and the starry night sky.
- "i love you, cal." you mumbled.
- "i love you more." he replied, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
- you lifted your head off his shoulder and looked at him with a smirk across your face. "oh yeah? prove it."
- he pulled out a small velvet box from his back pocket. you had been kidding, but he hadn't.
- he opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. it was breathtaking. he knew your taste perfectly.
- "alright, will you do the honor of being my beautiful wife?"
- "oh my god, cal. yes!" you reply, throwing two arms around his neck and pressing a few gentle kisses to his lips.


- it was a very much spur of the moment descion
- the two of you had been laying in bed late at night, neither one of you being able to fall asleep
- eagan was playing with your hair when the idea came to mind. the two of you had been silent for quite for a few minutes at that point.
- "y/n?"
- "yeah, what's up?" you mumble.
- "do you wanna get married?" he asks. he was terrified of your response.
- your heart started skipping beats in that moment. you rolled over to face him, a bright smile across your face. "are you serious?"
- "yeah, i am." he says, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
- "i'd love to marry you." you reply, crawling on top of him and kissing him passionately, two hands in his hair as he kissed you back.

TJ :

- he had taken you to send off floating lanterns into the sky.
- "what are you going to write on your side?" you asked him, writing your wish in a sharpie on the opposite side of the lantern.
- "can't tell you, it's a suprise."
- you both scribbled in your wish, shoving the sharpie into your back pocket. "okay, now you have to show me." he handed you the lantern, and you looked at his side.
- 'will you marry me?' it wrote. you gasped. you looked back up at tj, down on his knee with a ring in his hand.
- "what do you say?" he asks, choking on his words a bit from the nerves.
- "yes! yes!" you say, pulling him into a kiss.
- the two of you sent the lantern into the sky, a new ring sitting on your finger as you watched it float away together.


- the two of you had taken a gorgeous vacation together. a romantic getaway as she wanted to call it
- you were standing together on a cliff overlooking the water in greece. the view was even better than you had imagined. the pictures didn't do this place any justice.
- "ol! look at the sunset!" you say, pointing out the different colors in the sky. when she didn't respond, you turned around and saw her with a diamond ring sitting in her hand.
- "no- no. you're not." you said, full of disbelief
- "i am." she replied. "y/n, will you marry me?"
- "are you crazy? of course i'll marry you." you say, running into her arms, almost knocking her over.


- with all the work she'd been going for the flight, the two of you were finally able to get away for a nice dinner, and saanvi finally wanted to seal the deal.
- she had sent the ring back with the waiter, and when your dessert came, the ring was sitting in the middle of the plate, chocolate writing "will you marry me?" on the bottom
- you looked back up at saanvi, who was smiling brighter than ever
- "so?" she asks, clapping her hands together and leaning her head onto them.
- "yes, i'd love to marry you." you say sweetly, grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.
- she couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night, knowing you were gonna be her future wife.

𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now