𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 || 𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞

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the plot line behind this story takes place in season three and you are starring as robert vance's sister :)

your entire life had been filled with sorrow and deaths and trauma, every corner, everywhere you looked. at some points you had even gone on to believe that nothing could hurt you anymore.

that was until the news. you were sitting in a hospital waiting room on the more secluded side of new york, waiting on a tour around the hospital. you had applied for an interview as a staff member recently.

soon before the news, the once quiet hospital began flooding in with a variety of patients on stretchers, one's that all seemed to look so famillar, but you couldn't exactly place it.

that was, until you saw ben stone flood through the doors. you'd known the stones for years, you were devestated when the plane disappeared. it clicked in your mind that all the passengers in the stretchers, were all passengers aboard flight 828.

"ben! what's happening?" you ask quickly, standing up from your chair in the waiting hall.

"y/n? what are you doing here?" ben looked shocked, also concered something may have been wrong with you.

"i'm waiting on a tour for an interview, is everyone okay?" you ask frantically.

"no, there were a lot of passengers injured in an rescue mission. i'm looking for vance now." he states.

"wait. vance as in my brother? where is he? what happened? is he okay?" every possible thought of what may have happened flooded through your head. you couldn't live without him, the two of you had been through thick and thin.

"yes, your brother. come with me, i'm trying to find all the details." ben said, holding out his hand. you took it quickly as the two of you sped down the emergency room and hospital hallways, looking to find any information you could.

a nurse stopped the two of you. "i need you two to go wait out in the waiting hall, we just had a flood of emergencies, roaming and pacing like this won't help you, and it makes our jobs harder. please, go wait outside." the nurse reprimanded.

"yes ma'am." ben said quickly before turning of his heel, his hand still in yours as he drags you back towards where you had previously been sitting, but now for entirely different reasons.

you were shaking, one leg pulled up towards your chest, anxiously biting your nails as you and your childhood best friend waited for news on the condition of your brother.

a nurse in dark navy uniform comes out, and immeadiately, you know the news isn't good.

"you're y/n vance, correct?" the nurse asks you, sitting down in a waiting chair in front of you.

"yes sir." you reply quickly. ben's running a gentle hand up and down your back.

"i'm sorry to inform you, but your brother, robert vance has tragically passed away." the nurse relays to you.

it was almost as if time froze. as if nothing was real. as if nothing in the world was happening or had ever existed. time stood still. you had no facial expression for about 5 seconds after the nurse broke the news. that was, until the sobs came.

"i'll leave you two by yourselves for a moment." the nurse says, standing up and walking away.

you pulled both your knees up to your chest, placing your head between them. sobs erupted through you, your entire body a shaking mess.

"i... can't loose- him. i can't- ben." you cried. his warm hand continued to rub up and down your back. when you turned to face him, he had tears in his own eyes.

"i'm so sorry n/n. i'm so sorry." ben says, before pulling you into a tight, soothing hug. you continued to sob into his shirt, nothing but tears and gasps for air coming in and out of your body. the front of ben's shirt was practically soaked in your tears. he couldn't care. all he cared was that you would be okay.

your breathing began to become disrupted. you had started hyperventilating. this couldn't be happening, you thought. how could you let this happen? why did this have to happen? you were pleading in your own head to bring him back.

soft "you're okay." and "it's going to be okay." whispers were softly said into your ears, and ben continued to soothe and hold you tight, all in the waiting room of a hospital you were supposed to tour for a job interview. you couldn't possibly work in that hospital now, there was no way in hell anyone could even try to convince you to.

ben pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, between grabbing your hand, and leading you outside to his car. you continued to cry and sob, barely knowing or understanding what was happening around you.

as soon as ben opened the car door and sat down, you crawled right back into his lap, and mourned through your grief, all up until falling asleep, still perched in his lap, his warm arms wrapped tightly and soothingly around you.

𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now