𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 || 𝐭𝐣 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧

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   you had always been good at solving the callings. you made it one of your top priorities ever since you stepped off of flight 828. you had walls and boards covered in information about the different passengers, the phenomenon, bible verses, anything and everything you could use to solve the callings.

ben stone knew this. the two of you had grown close in helping each other with different callings ever since you stepped off the flight. you were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast when your phone rang.

you propped the phone up to your ear, flipping pancakes on the stove. the smell filled the entire kitchen. you popped some extra chocolate chips into the mix.

"hey ben, what's up? is everything okay?" you ask. he didn't call too often, he usually texted. the phone call sort of concerned you.

"yeah, well, sort of. do you remember tj? the college student we met with a few weeks back." you remembered, loud and clear. he was a blonde kid, just around your age.

he was expiercing callings for the first time and reached out to you and ben for help navigating them. you remember thinking he was really cute at the time, but shaking it off due to more important things to do.

"yeah i do. is he okay?" you asked.

"he called, he had a calling at the university. he wants us to check it out in case we can be any help." ben replies into the phone, already expecting your answer.

"us as in, us, us?" you confirm. you knew you had to solve the callings to keep the lifeboat afloat, but you silently begged that people would solve their own callings on occasion.

"i knew you were going to say that." he chuckles." yeah, us. if it's important, it could be crucial to the death date." ben says.

"yeah alright. meet you at the university in 30?" you ask. you flip your pancake onto a plate, and putting it into the microwave. the callings are more important, breakfast can wait.

"sounds like a plan." ben replies, then ending the call. you grabbed your keys out of the bowl and headed out the door.

when you arrived at the university, you saw ben and the same boy from a few weeks ago sitting on a bench, talking together. when they saw you walking over, they stood up.

"okay, so what happened?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest due to how cold it was outside.

"i was walking across campus- wait, god you're freezing. take my jacket." he says, taking a large black denim jacket off his shoulders and putting it around you.

"thank you." you say, a blush falling over your cheeks. "um- as you were saying?" you say.

"i was walking across campus and i had this weird urge to walk towards that white tent over there, so i followed it." he says, whispering the last part.

"and?" you ask, shoving your hands into the pocket of the jacket as ben started writing notes down on his phone.

"let's just say law enforcement's on their way. the body of a dead girl was buried in there." he replied, whispering.

"oh my god." ben says, a look of horror written across his face.

"flight 828, the gift that keeps on giving." you mumble out, more to yourself, but tj chuckles.

"did you pick up any sort of identification on her?" you asked him, toying with your hands.

"no, the cops are going to look further into it." he replies, leaning back against the park bench and looking up at the sky. the cloud was filled with grey clouds, a breeze passing by.

just as he said that, you hear sirens and see three patrol cars pull up to the scene. the first one out was jared, of course.

"y/n! what happened?" he says, running over to make sure you were alright. you'd grown close to jared over the time from the flight, any connection to micheala aside.

"i'm fine j, don't worry about it. tj, over there was the one who called it in." you were still shivering even with the jacket over your shoulders. the jacket smelt of cologne and morning coffee.

they began interrogating tj, watching as the boy nodded and answered every question they had to ask. the three of you learned that the girl had already been dead for 36 hours, and the only clue they had was a keycard found in her front pocket.

as jared walks back to his squad car, he whispers in your ear, "the kid's a fucking liar." you scoff, not wanting to deal with all of jared's antics today. he was a great guy, but god was he stubborn.

you knew there was no way in hell that tj killed that poor girl. the callings would've already made you suffer if he had.

"i'm sorry, he can be a dick sometimes." you say, walking back over to tj. you go to slip the jackets off your shoulders and hand it back to him, but he puts a hand up to stop you.

"keep it, it looks better on you anyways." he says with a smile. you blush, but if anyone were to mention it, blame the cold.

"i'm sorry we couldn't have been of more help today." you say sadly. all you had to account of today was a dead girl found on a university campus. definitely not what you had expected when you woke up this morning.

"don't worry about it. we'll figure the rest out. together." he says, giving you that same smile.

from then on out, it was the two of you against the world. you grew closer to him than you could have ever imagined.

as long as you two had each other, and that you looked to the future with the possibility that everything will turn out fine, you'd be okay.


𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now