𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐭 : 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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- she went straight out with it, sitting at home in your living room
- "y/n, i'm gonna be honest, i really like you. if you don't feel the same, i get it, i just really needed to tell you-"
- you cut her off with a soft kiss to her lips, the two of you smiling halfway through


- you had just been involved in a dangerous calling, and you ran outside the building while the cops went in, and immeadiately ran into ben's arms
- "thank god you're okay." he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
- "i'm always okay" you reminded him. you said that to him during one of your first callings, when he was worried about you getting hurt
- "i don't know what i'd do without you." ben says, pulling your lips up and towards his, tasting the coffee on his tounge
- "damn, take me out to dinner first." you joked,
pressing another soft kiss to his lips
- "if that's what you want, gladly." he replied, happily.


- the day you came back from 828, he ran into the hangar
- every day for the last 5 1/2 years, he regretted not telling you how he felt sooner
- you pulled him into a hug at the hangar, but he lifted you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips
- "i should've done that years ago." he whispered, kissing you again.
- you happily complied, even though it had only been a week since you last saw him. he didn't need to know that just yet, you were enjoying this.


- you were a big part of his journey to recovery
- the day he was a month sober, he knew he needed to tell you how he felt
- "zeke, i'm really proud of you." you said, pulling him into a hug.
- "it's all because of you" he replied, wrapping his arms around your waist during the hug.
- once he pulled away, he didn't take his arms away from your waist
- "y/n, you need to know, i really like you, and you've helped me so much. will you be my girlfriend?" he asked softly.
- you nodded a quick yes before pulling his lips to yours, "of course." you mumble, already halfway through the kiss


- the two of you had gone for a night out, per his request
- the two of you were coming home, stumbling and laughing from the drinks you'd had
- "y/n, let me help you upstairs" he said, still smiling. he watched you stumble, barely able to take a few straight steps in front of you
- you held onto his, one of his arms wrapped around your waist until you walked up the stairs,
laying down against your bed
- you laid there, expecting cal to lay down next to you.
- instead, you were met with a "goodnight y/n." whispered, and a soft kiss to your cheek
- "no, cal, stay." you pleaded, pulling his arm back towards the bed.
- "are you sure?" cal asked, taking off his jacket and resting it on the dresser.
- "100%." you replied. he laid down next to you, and you rolled over to face him.
- "i know i'm drunk, but that doesn't mean i mean this any less. in fact, i might mean it even more." you said, before putting a soft hand behind his neck and pulling his lips to meet yours.
- he put one of his hands on your waist, keeping you from rolling forwards as he kissed you back sweetly.


- the two of you were solving a calling together, and out of pure excitement, you couldn't help but pull eagen into a hug
- "we did it! we actually did it!" you cheered, your arms wrapped around him.
- for the first time since you'd known eagen, he reciprocated, wrapping his two arms around your waist and holding you tightly.
- "would this uh- be a good time to ask you on a date?" eagen asked, a cocky smile still written across his face.
- you replied by pressing a kiss to his lips, sweet and simple.

TJ :

- the two of you were sitting in his room, on his bed, talking about practically anything and everything,
- the conversation went quite for a few minutes, before randomly blurting out the question
- "will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, smiling at you, the same smile you absolutely adored.
- "of course." you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek.


- the two of you were studying callings late, on astoria's campus
- after olive figured out the final piece of the puzzle, she squealed out of excitement and wrapped you into a big hug
- "thank you, thank you, thank you" she said, holding you tightly.
- "anything for you, ol." you replied, sweetly.
- "anything as in you'll even take me on a date?" she asked, a smirk written on her lips.
- "how could i pass up that offer?" you said.


- one night you were working late in the lab with saanvi, letting her use you to run blood work and samples
- the two of you were now sitting on the floor, backs leaned against cabinets
- both of you were half-awake at that point, ready to fall asleep at any second
- "yknow, we should go on a date." saanvi mumbled.
- "great idea, we'll talk about it in the morning." you sleepily replied, falling asleep with your head resting softly on her shoulder.

𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 828 || 𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now