𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 || 𝐳𝐞𝐤𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧

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"let me go, eagan!" you screamed. you were sitting in the basement of a demo house in some neighborhood in new york. you tugged at your hands, trying to release them from the zip ties wrapped around them.

"you wouldn't be tied up if you could've just listened" eagan says, sitting down at the fake kitchen table. "tell me about eureka." he demands, pulling a gun out of his pocket.

"it's nothing! just a bunch of government testing bullshit, eagan. just as i've told you the last 10 times!" eagan began to speak again but was cut off by micheala running down the stairs, telling eagan to get down and put his hands up.

he hadn't caught onto the fact that you were able to sent micheala an email via the stupidly high-tech smart refrigerator he'd left you with. "god damn it!" eagan mutters as he gets onto his knees, his arms raised.

"y/n! god, are you okay?" micheala asks, running over and cutting you free. your wrists were covered in rope burn, and you didn't even know what to say about your mental state. your arms were covered in bruises and a few cuts from being handled by eagan and some of his men.

"just get me out of here." you said, wiping away a fear tears that slipped out of your eyes. drea took you upstairs and helped you into one of the patrol cars, driving you to the nearest hospital.

who knew going to that hospital would be how you met one of the most important people in your life?

they took you up to a room, your window showing a beautiful view on the city. the room was equipped with a tv on the wall, and an arm chair in the corner. they'd already hooked you up to an iv machine.

"hit this call button if you need anything" your nurse said, pointing to a small red button on the remote connected to your bed. you gave her a soft smile and whispered thank you as she left your room.

you flicked through a few channels on the tv, not finding anything of intrest. the nurses informed you that you could be here a few days, due to the rope burn injuries along with the cuts and lacerations.

you knew that ben and micheala would be on their way as soon as mick was able to get off of work. in the mean time, you decided to find a snack.

"mom, you know i'd love to go, but my iv doesn't happen to make it farther than the vending machine." you hear a man chuckle as you approach the machine for a snack for yourself.

the woman hugs her son goodbye as he puts in a dollar bill and picks out a snack, watching it drop down. he tried to reach for it, but had some difficulty.

"let me get that for you." you say, reaching down and grabbing the bag of pretzels for the man. "thank you, i appreciate it." the man says. "i'm zeke."  the man says, he reaches out his hand but doesn't make it very close to you.

you reach over and shake it for him. "i'm y/n, it's nice to meet you." he glanced down at your wrists and saw the burns and cuts covering them.

"jesus, what happened? not to be intrusive or anything." zeke says. you chuckle and look down at your own wrists. he was right, they didn't look great.

"uh, yeah. rope burns and cuts, i was bound by my wrists." you say, holding your wrists together to show him what it looked like. he let out a scoff of disbelief. "i'll never understand how people can be that sick." he replies.

"yeah, me neither. what about you?" you ask, gesturing to his hands that were different shades of colors. he looks down at his own hands, turning them over to look at his palms. "frostbite." he says, still in disbelief over the situation himself.

"god, that's awful." you mutter. you went to put your dollar bill in the machine but were stopped, as zeke put in a dollar bill for you instead. "it's on me." he smiled.

"thanks, you didn't have to do that." you say, typing in the code for the snack you wanted, hearing it hit the bottom of the machine.

"what room are you in? i'll walk you." zeke says, grinning over at you. "uh, 3A, just over there." you say pointing down the hallway. "no way, i'm in 3B, come on." he says, starting to walk down the cold tile floors back to your beds.

"you could come in, keep me company?" you offered, standing in the doorway of your room.

"i'd love that." zeke smiles, walking in and sitting down in the armchair as you laid down in your bed. a nurse came by once or twice to take your vitals here and then.

you and zeke talked about all sorts of things about your lives all up until the two of you ended up falling asleep in your hospital room.

you woke up a few hours later, tears streaming down your face and your breathing rapid as you think back to the nightmare you just had. eagan was holding you captive, just as he did that morning, with a gun pointed to your head.

you clutched a hand to your chest as you tried to catch your breath. you saw zeke sleeping in the corner, a blanket draped over him by what you could only assume a nurse brought in. you tried to hold back your sobs, not wanting to disturb his sleep but to no avail.

his eyes flickered open, and he saw you sitting on the bed with your head between your knees, hearing soft cries escaping your lips.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asks, standing up and dragging the iv pole over to the bedside with him.

"just- just a nightmare." you reply, trying to calm your breathing. zeke, to your shock, wraps an arm around you and pulls you close to his chest. "it's alright, come here."

your breathing began to slow as you drifted into zeke's touch, letting him hold you right there.

he sat down next to you in your bed, rubbing your shoulder soothingly, all up until you fell asleep against his side.

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