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The group of seven was back to walking a round the city, getting both, necessary and unnecessary things. Jeongin was currently behind the group of six when he was grabbing a khaki Tote bag that caught his eye.

The boy quickly looked at the bag as he knew the group if six in front of him wouldn't wait for him. Just as he was about to follow his friend group with the Tote bag, someone tripped and pushed Jeongin to the floor with them, causing a loud noise to follow after their fall.

The group of six turned around to see what the ruckus was and saw Jeongin on the floor with another guy on top of him. Jeongin lifted his upper body up and rubbed his head, not focusing on the weight on his lower half.

"Love! Are you okay? Are you hurt Innie? Do you need help? Sir, do you need help? Are you also alright? Are you hurt?" Felix asked as he rushed to the boys on the ground.

"I'm fine, thank you Lix, just a bit surprised" the white haired boy said. "I'm also alright, thank you for asking. I'm so sorry this happened, I wasnt paying attention and tripped." The blonde stranger said as he got off of Jeongin's legs and helped the younger off the floor.

The male realized the Tote bag on the ground and picked it up "to make it up to you, I'll pay this for you. Once again, I'm so sorry this happened. You're not hurt are you?"

"I'm alright thank you. Theres also no need to pay for it to make it up to me, you tripped on accident so it's alright, please dont worry about it."

Jeongin reassured as Felix backed away a little to let them talk the situation out.

"No, I insist. If I don't, I'll be left with the guilt of tripping on top of someone and leaving immediately."

Jeongin sighed as he didnt want a stranger to live with guilt over tripping on top of him.

"Fine but only because I dont want you to feel guilty for tripping on me" the unknown man smiled in victory before speaking again.

"Is there anything else you would like?" "No no no no. That's alright, plus I'm here with my friends and I dont want to keep them waiting for any longer because of me."

The blonde male nodded "I know I'm not supposed to question friendships or anything but are you sure they're really waiting for you? They seem to be walking away, well not the freckled one that came to help us but you get the point"

Jeongin stayed silent for a moment after looking at his group of friends "it's alright, I'm used to it" Jeongin reassured with a small smile.

"My name's Chan, your's?"

"Jeongin, my name's Jeongin"

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