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Weeks had passed since Jeongin and Chan started dating and the younger had been over at Chan's place for the weekends and after school.

As of right now, Jeongin was looking at himself in the mirror,  looking to see what Chan saw in him. He grabbed his double chin as he looked at it. How was he so fat?

He then pushed the 'fat' from under his chin, behind his jaw. That's how someone skinny was supposed to look. The white haired boy then lifted his arms to look at them.

There was just fat, no muscle. He jiggled the hanging fat from his arm. He needed to be skinnier.

The fox like boy put his arms down and turned to the side of his full body mirror, looking at his belly.

He noticed the small stomach he had and grabbed it just to pull it. How was he so fat? He sucked his stomach in, his ribs popping out and his hip bone was more prominent.

He the left his stomach to go back to normal before facing forward to focus on his legs.

His thighs were big and were touching one another. He noticed the acne scars he had on his legs from middle  school before he jiggled his thigh.

He saw how the fat moved for a few seconds before lifting his thighs and jiggling them once again, noticing the amount of fat that jiggled increased.

He then turned to the side again to look at his butt. For him, there was nothing there. He needed to grow it. (Honestly me)

He then looked at the back of his thighs, just then realizing there was more fat on the back side of his thighs.

He returned to facing forward before grabbing onto his hip fat and moving it up and down to see how much he needed to lose.

How did Chan find him perfect when he was fat? Jeongin was on the verge of tears when he looked back at his face.

There was no way Chan actually found him perfect when he looked like that. Jeongin let a few tears escape his eyes before covering his face.

Jeongin backed away from the mirror and curled up into a ball before crying his heart out because of his insecurities.

He wished Chan would've pointed the truth out instead of telling him he was perfect. No wonder he didnt have a boyfriend for the amount of time he did.

Jeongin was now left thinking about how well built his boyfriend was. Big muscles replacing the fat on both his arms and legs. No double chin. No belly fat but instead had abs.

How did Jeongin even get a good boyfriend like when he was nothing compared to him. He had fat when his boyfriend had muscle.

He was fat and needed to lose weight. The white haired boy set his mind to lose all his body fat to be skinnier than he was since there was no way Chan actually found him perfect. Right?

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