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Jeongin was about to leave Chan with a simple bye but Chan stopped him "um actually, can I have your number? I actually liked spending time with you, maybe we could hang out again sometime?"

Jeongin's eyebrows lifted in surprise at the fact someone actually wanted to hang out with him. "Sure, I also liked spending time with you" he replied as he grabbed the older's phone that was handed to him and began typing his number in, handing it back after he did so.

After that, Jeongin bid his bye and went home where Felix was waiting for him even if he didnt live with the younger.

"Love, why didnt you come when I asked you to? You havent eaten yet" Felix immediately gently asked as the boy entered.

"Im sorry. I did eat though, after the call ended, Chan invited me to eat with him. I just forgot to send you a picture like Chan told me to. I'm sorry I didn't come home when you asked me to." "Oh my love, it's alright but who's Chan? Is he the dude you went with?" Jeongin nodded to the question.

"Okay then, as long as he made sure you ate then I'm not too worried" "hes a nice person, he wants to hang out with me again some day"

Felix smiled "he sounds nice, I'll let you go with him again" "thank you Lix, he really is" Jeongin said with a smile. "Well, I've got to go love. Make sure to go to bed early, I love you"

"Thank you Lix, I love you too" Felix gently gave the white haired boy a kiss on the forehead before walking out the door.

Felix had always been there for Jeongin when his parents werent. He was always gentle with the fox like boy even when they had a disagreement on something. Felix never raised his voice at the younger even during those disagreements and Jeongin liked it that way.

The freckled boy knew the younger's parents always forgot or left him behind even if Jeongin didnt seem to realize it, which was just another reason to treat the younger with even more care and love.

Jeongin got ready for bed after the freckled boy left but it took a while to fall asleep since he was in his thoughts, looking at the ceiling.

"Fuck, I cant sleep!" Jeongin said as he curled up into a ball, feeling alone like he always did. "I feel like shit. Why do I feel like this?" He whispered to himself as he grabbed a stuffed animal Felix gave him for Valentine's day a few years ago, in hopes to feel some sort of comfort.

"I hate how I cant sleep. I'm always like this even when I'm tired" Jeongin told himself as he was on the verge of tears.

Jeongin always struggled with sleepin. He would often sleep a bit throughout the day before night time actually came around but failed to sleep the hours he needed.

Jeongin knew he had school the following morning, yet with that in mind, he still couldnt get the right amount of sleep that lasts him the whole day.

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