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During lunch, the group of six was talking about who knows what, except for Felix, Minho and Changbin. Jeongin watched from a far corner of the cafeteria and watched with a smile as he didnt noticed the three occasionally talking.

Jeongin had finished eating and sat at his table looking around at everyone who had their friends and were talking to them. Jeongin smiled more of the thought of having a friend by his side, imagining the group of six with him.

Jeongin then thought about Chan and how much the older payed attention to him even when he was ranting about the most random things. The blonde haired Aussie spent more time with him than his friends did and mostly spent time with him when the younger asked to, earning a yes every time.

"Guys! I want to tell you about my weekend!" An excited Jeongin exclaimed after making his way over to his friends.

The group of five sparring him a glance and going back to talking unlike Felix who payed attention to him.

The freckled blonde looked at his boyfriend who wasn't paying attention to anything before looking at Jeongin. "What did you do, love- Jeongin" " so, I spent this weekend with Chan! We....."

The youngest smiled as he talked about his weekend as Felix listened to what the white haired boy said with a soft smile on his face.

"He bought me food, Lix! I usually buy my own when I'm with someone. Chan's amazing, Lix, hes the best!" The excited boy finished "love, you like him don't you? You also like when he calls you nicknames" Felix teased.

Jeongin blushed before shaking his friend's arm "n-no I don't! And stop with the nicknames~ you're just like Chan. He teases me so much because I like nicknames and compliments"

Felix smiled "you're adorable" the freckled blonde said "Felix~" Jeongin whined as he covered his face.

"Fine fine, I'm done" Felix stated "well, I'm going back to my table, bye Lix, love you" "bye love." The freckled boy looked back to his boyfriend to see he was unbothered and was trying to say something but didnt say anything.

Left Out | JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now